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The life and times of Kenshin hemorea
Chapter 2

*Ryan yawns and wakes up, and realizes that he is in kenshins crib
*Ryan looks over at kenshin, and starts nudging him*
"Kenshin wakes up and looks at Ryan still half asleep" good morning big bwo.
*Ryan says back, good morning too*
*Ryan crawls over to the baby monitor, and baby screams into it*
mommy walks in and smiles at her two boys and walked over to the crib.
mommy-How did you sleep?
*Ryan says , I sleep vewy well, pick me up*
she picked him up and relised that he had a wet diaper.
*Ryan doenst evn notice that he is wet, just like a baby*
mommy-seems like we are going to have to put you back into diapers.
*Ryan nods excitedly*
mommy-Now are you sure that you want to start acting like Kneshin?
*Ryan baby burps as an answer, and drools*
mommy-ok then.
*mommy, can I go with you to the store today?*
she walks him over to the changing table and lays him down.
mommy-sure you can.
*kenshin's coming, right?*
mommy-yes kenshin is coming too.
she started to undress him by taking off his sleeper and then changing his wet diaper.
she undid the tabs on the diaper and then throw it away in the diaper pal. she then took out a wipe and started wipeing all over his diaper area so he was clean and then grabbed a new diaper and lifted his legs up in the air and slid the diaper under him.
then put his legs down and took out baby oil and started rubing it all over him. the she took out powder and powdered him then taped up the sides of the diaper.
She smiled at Ryan and then set him down in their play pin in the corner next the the changing table and then walked over and picked up kenshin and repeated the process.
*Ryan started playing with the toys, while kenshin got changed*
so she took off the diaper and throw it away and then got out wipes and started wipeing away all of the pee and poo.
Once that was finished she took out baby oil and rubed it all over his p***s and testicals and his butt.
kenshin started giggling as this was happening and he enjoyed it.
she smiled and blew into his belly causeing him to giggle even more.
*Ryan looks up at kenshin giggling, and smiles*
she then took out powder and powdered him up good to prevent a rash and then taped up the sides of his diaper.
She then sat him up and picked Ryan up out of the play pin and sat him next to kenshin.
Mommy-ok what do you want to wear today?
Ryan: *Elmo!*
she held up an Elmo shirt and matching shorts.
mommy-ok sweetie.
she started to dress him by putting the shirt over his head trying not to hear his little ears and then helped him stand up on the table so she could put on his shorts.
she pulled up his shorts and sat him back down and then put on his Elmo socks and shoes. Then took a binkie out and pined a string for it on his shirt and placed it in his mouth.
*Ryan takes the binkie out of his mouth, not wanting to suck on it yet**
Mommy-ok kenshin what do you want to wear?
I want blues clues. said kenshin with a smile.
she then pulled out a Blue's Clues shirt and matching shorts for him and he nodded in aprovel.
she then put the shirt over his head and just like Ryan made sure not to hurt his ears then she helped him stand up and she pulled on his shorts then sat him back down and put on his blue's clues socks and shoes.
she then pined a stirng to his shirt with a binkie on the end of it.
Mommy-Ok your all set.
*Ryan asks mommy whats for breakfast before they go to the store*
Mommy-I don't know what do you two want? she asks as she picked them up and carryed them to the kitchen seting kenshin in his high chair.
*Ryan motions to be put in his old high chair*
she did as he asked.
Mommy-so do you want cerical or pan cakes or waffles?
Kenshin razz AN CAKES
Mommy-ok Ryan wants waffles and kenshin wants pan cakes ok.
*Ryan asks mommy why she hasnt dressed them in bibs yet*
mommy-cus you don't need them yet.
Ryan surprised k
she started making breakfast as kenshin and ryan talked to eachother.
Ryan:*I am so excited lil bwo!*
Kenshin: Why?
Ryan:*I get to have my own cwib!*
Kenshin:"Big bwo why did you want to stop growing and start acting like me?"
*I just dont wanna be a big boy!*
Ryan: I am a lil baby now!
Kenshin:Otay big bwo.
Within 10 minutes there mom came over with two plate. One with waffle that she set infont of Ryan and a plate of pan cakes for kenshin.
Ryan devoured the 10 waffles within the hour, while watch spongebob at the same time
mommy started feeding kenshin like a baby and he smiled as she did.
*Ryan giggled, and said he doesnt want that yet*
Kenshin:Your lose big bwo.
Once they were done eating she took the now clean plates from the boys and came back with a wet rag and wiped off kenshin's messy face.
After she was done she took the boys out of there highchairs and said.
mommy-ok you boys ready to go?
*Ryan shakes his head*
Ryan:*I need to go get my plushie*
mommy-Ok you two go get your plushies and i'll get the stroller ready.
*Ryan and Kenshin run up the stairs to their room, and grab their plushies*
*Ryan and kenshin run back down, and said they are ready*
Mommy: *Ok boys, grab my legs*
*Ryan grabs mommies left leg*
kenshin grabs mommies right leg
*mommy shuffles out the door, and lock it behind us*
*Ryan and kenshin, hugging on mommies legs, walk with her out the door, and smile as she locks the door, waving bye bye to daddy*
mommy walked the boys to the car and lifted them into their car seats.
Kenshin:mommy can we watch TV?
mommy-sure sweetie. says mommy turning on the car tv and turning it to cartoon network and then backing the car out of the drive way.
Kenshin and Ryan were enjoying themselfs watching there morning cartoons and within 20 minutes they were at the store.
*Mommy gets out of the car*
*walks over to ths side door, and opens it*
*she helps kenshin and Ryan out of their car seats, and set them gently into their twin seat stroller*
*She buckles them up, and grabs her purse from the back seat*
*She locks the doors, and starts strolling them across the parking lot and into the store*
*Ryan and kenshin motion for mommy to unbuckle them, and she does*
*she stows the stroller at the store's new daycare*
*and plops kenshin into the cart part with the bucle strap and the holes*
she then looks down at Ryan.
Mommy-ok sweetie were do you want to start?
Ryan: *Diapees and clothing!*
*Ryan runs off to the crib section, with kenshin and mommy right behind him*
*Ryan starts looking at all of the cribs, trying to decide which one to get*
mommy-Take your time sweetie.
*Ryan looks at one with sesame street on it, and says, I FOUND MINE!*
mommy walks over and looks at the crib.
mommy-it looks nice.
*plus, it is portable!*
mommy-Ok so this is the one you want right?
*Ryan nods*
mommy walks over to ryan's side and knees down to his level.
mommy-Then you got it. she says with a smile and hugs him.
*Ryan yells excitedly, and hugs her back, saying thanks mommy!*
*Can we go pick out my clothes now?*
mommy-sure one sec.
mommy motions to a store clerk that they want to buy the crib and he says that he will hold it for them intil they are done shopping.
*Ryan runs over to the toddler section for clothing and looks at all sorts of exciting clothing*
*Ryan picks out several onesies, sleepers, rompers, and plastic pants with Elmo/Sesame Street characters on them*
*ryan also picks out some socks with elmo*
Fay*and toddler shirts and toddler shorts/pants with elmo on them*
*Ryan runs over to the toy section, and grabs a bunch of seasme street toys, and drops them inot the cart*
*and other preschool-affliated toys
Kenshin just looked at Ryan and giggled at all the fun he was having.
*Ryan then runs over into the computer game department, and grabs all of the pre-school games, throwing them into the basket*
*Ryan runs accross to the videogame section, and grabs all the spyro and crash bandicoot games they have*
mommy-ok ryan calm down ok it's kenshin's turn ok.
mommy got kenshin out of the seat and put ryan in his place to try and calm him down and let kenshin get all the stuff he wanted.
"kenshin ran over to the clothes and got some spiderman, transformers, and blues clues shirts he liked and put then in the cart."
kenshin the went over to the toys and started looking around and then he saw a really cool looking Megatron toy and put that in the cart. Then he saw something he really wanted.
The championship kids belts from WWE
kenshin ran over and throw the replica belts for the world heavyweight championship and the WWE spinner belt in the cart.
Then he put in some DBZ action figers and put them in.
*Ryan asks mommy to take him to the diaper section*
*while kenshin looks at the toys all alone*
Kenshin:mommy i'm done
kenshin walked with mommy and ryan to the diaper section.
*Ryan, with kenshins help, picked up several pakages of Pamper Size 5 and 6 diapers and loaded them into the cart*
kenshin then went over to mommy and asked her to knee down so he could talk to her privetly.
Mommy: Yes, Kenshin, what is it?
mommy do you think we should get ryan some pull ups for the days that he wants to be a big boy and not go poopie in his diapers?
Mommy: *No, I have a feeling he will never want to grow up*
Mommy: *Just look at how excited he is*
Kenshin giggled at that and said "otay"
*Ryan, kenshin, and mommy, go to the check out line, and wait in line*
*Ryan runs off to the baby food section and comes back with several jars of gerbers food*
kenshin and ryan see candy on the rak and ask mommy if they could have some.
Mommy: *You can have 5 of your favorites*
*Ryan grabs five 10 packs of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups*
"kenshin grabs 2 miklyway bars and a bag of m&m's and puts them in the cart."
kanerulls (11:46:37 PM): They check out and then get the crib and then load up the car with all of the supplies.
*Mommy had to slam the trunk really hard to keep everything in the trunk*
*Ryan and Kenshin soon are strapped into their car seats and off drives mommy*
Half way home kenshin's tummy starts grawling.
Mommy: *Would you guys like to eat at Dennys?*
Kenshin:"I want mc. D's"
FaytLiengodrjf (11:50:57 PM): Mommy: *Nope, Im taking u guys to Denny's!*
Mommy: I was just joking, I am taking u to Mcdonalds!
Ryan: Yay!
"Thanks mommy" said kenshin happly
*Mommy soon pulled up into McDonalds*
mommy parked the car and took the boys out of there carseats and carryed them inside with a boy on each side of her hip.
mommy got in line and asked the boys what they wanted.
"cheese burger." said kenshin
Ryan:chicken nuggets!
Kenshin and Ryan got a table and mommy came to them with there meals.
mommy-ok now do you boys want to sit in a high chair or be big boys and sit in the booth with mommy?
*High Chair!, exclaimed ryan excitedly*
This made kenshin giggle at the site of his big brother wanting a high chair.
Mommy went and got two high chairs and got the boys settled with there food.
Mommy came back with two high chairs and set them up by the table. She then picked up Kenshin and sat him in the high chair and buckled himin in tight then she looked at Ryan. Mommy- Ok sweetie your turn.
*Ryan giggled, and lifted his arms up*
Mommy picked Ryan up and gave him a playful poke on the nose and then sat him in his high chair and strapped him in tight like Kenshin.
*Ryan smiled at his mommy with a happy smile, and said he loves her this mucch*
*Ryan stretches his arms out as wide as he culd*
she smiled and then put the food on the tray of the high chairs of the boys.
*Mommy Smiled, and then placed the food trays with the bags on them onto the high chair trays*
*She walks over to Ryan, and takes out his Cheeseburger and small fries*
*and places them onto the paper cover of the McD food tray*
*She unscrews the cap on the pint milk jug*
*and places the straw in it*
*Mommy lets Ryan grab his toy from the bag*
*Mommy moves onto Kenshin*
Mommy took out the cheese burger from Kenshin's back and sat it on the tray infount of him and did the same with his small fries. Then got out the pint of milk and unscrews the top and put a stray in it and then let Kenshin get his toy out of the bag.
The boys started eating like normal 2 yr olds getting there faces all messy and they just looked at each other and smiled.
Mommy smiled and let them finish eating and when they were done she got up and wiped there faces clean. then unstrapped them from there high chairs and lifted them up then placed them down so they were standing looking up at her.
hold on I forgot to add something.
Mommy smiled and let them finish eating and when they were done she got up and wiped there faces clean. Mommy: Did you two like that? Yes mommy said the boys in unosene. Mommy: Good. She then unstrapped them from there high chairs and lifted them up then placed them down so they were standing looking up at her.
*Mommy, can we go play now?*
*Ryan and kenshin start to fidget, barely able to contain the energy they had*
Mommy: Yes you can.
Mommy leaded the boys out to the play area and sat on a bentch as they ran off to play.
*as soonas mommy let them go...*
*Ryan and kenshin took off their shoes*
*ryan and kenshin crawl thru the tunnels, and enter the slide room*
Ryan sits down, and just as he gateher his cool*
*kenshin pushes him down*
Kenshin started chasing Ryan around the playground.
Kenshin:I'm gonna get you big bwo.
*Ryan runs away*
*and not looking*
*runs straight into a lil girl*
*Ryan gets up and realizes that its his playmate Rachel from daycare*
*he helps her up, and asks what she is doing here*
Rachel:Hewwo Ryan mommy brought me. "she then looks at kenshin and smiles" well hewwo there cutey.
*Ryan runs up to her, and hugs her*
*Rachel hugs her back, and they go off and play together, with kenshin following close behind*
Kenshin follows behind Ryan and just as Ryan was about to get into the ball pit Kenshin pushed him in.
"giggles" Got you big bwo
*Ryan dives out of the ball pit*
*and tackles kenshin*
*Rachel jumps on top of them*
"Kenshin tryed to escape"
*The 3 tots play struggle*
*and somehow kenshin wiggles out from underneath Ryan and Rachel*
*kenshin grabs some balls, and throws them at Rachel*
Ryan ran and throw himself infrount of Rachel and the balls hit him.
*Ryan pretends dies*
Kenshin you killed Ryan you big meanie
Oh please he's faking. "kenshin throw some more balls at Ryan and revived him.
*Ryan jumps out, and assults the two with an army of balls*
"Ryan hits Kenshin square in the face and he starts crying."
*Ryan stops throwing the balls, realizing that he gave kenshin a black eye*
*Ryan runs over to Kenshin, and huggles him, saying sowwy*
I'm telling mommy. "kenshin runs out of the ball pit and runs up to mommy crying."
*Ryan runs and jumps out of the ball pit at runs after kenshin*
Mommy: what's wrong sweet...oh my gosh. Kenshin what happend?
Kenshin:Ryan did it.
Ryan:*I didnt mean to do it mommy*
*Ryan starts crying really loud and wets and messes his diaper*
Mommy: oh sweetie come here. "she hugged both boys in her arms."
mommy: Ryan did you say you were sorry to kenshin?
*Yes, said Ryan, crying and sniffling while nodding his head*
mommy: ok kenshin I want you to accept Ryan's apology.
Yes mommy. said kenshin still sobbing.
Kenshin:Big bwo I forgive you.
Ryan:*I acwept your apwogy*
*Ryan nodded, and asked mommy if Rachel culd come over tomorrow*
Mommy: I don't see why not
*Yay!, said ryan and kenshin back*
*after saying yay, the boys huggled their mommy and then mommy walked over with Ryan and Kenshin to talk with Rachel's Mommy*
Debbie: I'm ok how are you and the boys?
Rebecca: *Oh we are fine, you wont believe what happened yesterday!*
Debbie: "What?"
Rebecca: *Ryan decided that he wanted to act like Kenshin*
Debbie: "I see so Ryan's getting tired of acting like a big boy."
Rebecca: Yup, he want stop and be like Kenshin, and I was totally supportive anout Ryan's decision. You wont believe what I did for him today.*
Debbie: "What?"
*I took him and his bro with me and shopped for infantile stuff for Ryan. He even picked out most of the stuff we got*
"wow I bet he really liked that."
*yup. Plus to be fair, I allowed Kenshin to get some stuff for himself*
"that was nice of you."
*I know*. *So what did you and Rachel do toady?*
"We just went to the salon and I got my nails done. Rachel wants to get her ears perced."
*So, I was wondering if Ryan and Kenshin could come over Friday night and spend the weekend and leave Monday morning.*
"Hmm I see no problem with that, sounds good."
Debbie turned to Rachel. "Rachel would you like to have Ryan and Kenshin over for the weekend?"
kRachel gave a big smile to her mom and said "Yes mommy I would love that."
Debbie then turned to Rebecca "Looks like it's settled."
*Ryan runs up to Rachel and hugs her*
Ryan: We awe goin to have fun
Ryan blushes, and runs into the ball pit
Both moms looked at Ryan in the ball pit and smiled. "Well I geuss that's it." said Rebecca. "I'll bring the boys by around 7 tomarrow night."
"Sounds good." Debbie turned to Rachel and smiled. "We'll be waiting."
Kenshin then came up to his mom and she picked him up and said. "Ok Ryan it's time to go."
Ryan runs out of the ball pit, and asks to be picked up.
Ryan's mom smiled and picked him up to and looked at him. "You really are turning into Kenshin."
Both boys waved bye to Rachel and her mom and were then taken out MC. D's and put in there carseats to go home.
ryan asked mommy if they were going to make any more stops, or if they were just going to go straight home
Mommy: Going home you two need a nap after all that playing.
About half way home Kenshin's stumic started to grone and Kenshin moned in pain.
Mommy: Are you ok sweetie?
Kenshin relaxed and farted and then loaded up his diaper. "I'm otay now mommy."
Mommy: Looks like both of you will need a diaper change when we get home.
Ryan looks at mommy and says yup
They arrived home about 15 minutes later and mommy took the boys out of there car seats and then walked to the back of the car and opened up the trunk.
Ryan walks over to the trunk and picks up a bag full of the toys he got and runs inside the house to his room
Kenshin grabed his bag of toys and ran after his brother.
Kenshin and Ryan's dad came out to help there mom unload all of the stuff they had bought and get it in the house.
Daddy: Don't you think this is alittle weird?
Mommy: I gave Ryan several chances to back out but each time he said no so I guess if he's happy I'm happy honey
mommy kisses Daddy romantically for a whole minute
Ryan , coming back for more bags sees mommy and daddy kissing and says EWWWW
After the kiss "Well atleast this is happen at an age were it don't really matter and it won't get in the way of anything."
Dad then looks down at Ryan
"What are you so grossed out about?"
Ryan:*You kissing*
"Oh go suck on your binkie" said dad jokingly handing him a bag.
Ryan says ok grabs his binkie and sucks on it in front of daddy
Dad laughed and patted Ryan's head and then picked up the rest of the stuff and walked into the house.
Ryan runs out into the garage and sees if theres anything left ryan sees something glitter on the floor and picks it up
Ryan surprised ooh shiny
Ryan runs over to daddy and asks what it is
Daddy takes it from Ryan and studies it
"Well looky here you found a Sacajeweea dollar."
"Daddy whats a saccajewia?
"she was a very important person in history and because she was so important she was put on money just like this so people would never forget her."
ryan scratches his head, shrugs and runs over to mommy
mommy looks down at Ryan.
Ryan:Mommy, when are you going to change us?
Ryan:I feel a rash on my bottom.
Mommy: Oh rigth, sorry it slipped my mind. Come on lets go get Kenshin and I will change you both.
ok mommy said ryan and then ran up stairs to his room to find kenshin on the floor playing with his toys.
Mommy: Kenshin it's time for a change.
Kenshin:Ok mommy said Kenshin putting down his toy and walking up to her.
Mommy picked up Kenshin and layed him on the changing table and undid the tabs on his messy diaper.
She then opened it up all the way and covered her nose from mthe smell and Kenshin giggled.
She wiped him clean with a baby wipe and then tossed the diaper and wipe in the diaper pail and then took out some baby losion and rubbed it all over his p***s testicals and butt so he wouldn't get a rash.
Kensh started to really enjoy himself while she was doing this.
mommy then took out a fresh diaper and powder and powdered him really good and then lifted up his legs and slide the diaper underneath him and then put his legs down and taped up the sides of the diaper.
Mommy then dressed Kenshin in a t-shirt "Ok sweetie your all clean now."
Mommy picked him up and put him in the playpen next to the changing table and then looked over to Ryan. "Ok Ryan your turn."
Ryan came over to mommy and motined to be picked up.
Mommy layed him on the table and started to undress him.
After he was wearing nothing but his messy diaper she got to work.
she undid the tabs on Ryan's diaper and then started to wipe him clean.
she throw alway his messy diaper and wiped him really good intil he was clean and then throw away the wipes and took out the baby oil and started to rub it all over Ryan's p***s testicals and butt and she saw him giggle as she did it.
After she was done she took out a new diaper and lifted up Ryan's legs and placed the diaper under him and put his legs down and then powdered him really good and taped up the sides of the diaper.
Mommy: There you go all clean.
Mommy put Ryan in a t-shirt and then picked up Kenshin out of the playpen and sat him next to Ryan
Mommy:Ok now it's time for your nap.
Ryan yells that he doesnt want to take a nap and has a temper tantrum and tries to run away
Mommy grabs him "Ryan you need to have a nap so you have the energy to play"
Ryan, wiggling in mommys grip, says ok and calms down
Mommy: That's better now you want here a sec.
Mommy walks out of the room and her and daddy come back a minute later carrying Ryan's new crib into the room.
Ryan helps mommy by grabbing his new pillow sheets and sheets and givng them to her
Mommy fixes up Ryan's crib and then look over to him.
Mommy: Well do you like it?
Ryan: Mommy you forgot to put up the spinning thing
Mommy: Oh how silly of me.
Mommy goes and gets the mobleal and then attaches it to the crib.
Ryan: Now its pewfect mom
runs up and huggles her
Mommy picks up Ryan and hugs him.
Mommy:I'm glad you like it.
Mommy layes Ryan in his new crib and tucks him in.
She then walks over to Kenshin, picks him up and tucks him into his crib.
Mommy do you guys want a bottle before your nap?
Ryan nods in yes yes
Kenshin nods aswell
Mommmy: Ok be right back.
A few minutes later mommy walks bak into the room holding two bottls of warm milk.
Mommy walks over to Ryan and hands him his bottle.
Mommy then walks over to Kenshin and gives him his bottle. "Fank you mommy" said Kenshin as he took the bottle in his small hands.
Mommy: Your welcome sweetie said mommy as she stroked Kenshin's hair.
Ryan:Thank you Mommy
Ryan grabs his bottle and starts sucking on it
Mommy: your welcome
Mommy kisses both of the boys and then turned on the baby monitor and turned out the light.
Ryan grabs his plushie and hugs it, while drifting off to sleep
Mommy: Sweet dreams my angels.
Kenshin grabs his plushie and falls asleep.
Mommy left the room and left the door craked.

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Toddler Naruto
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 09:19pm
I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!!!!! heart heart heart heart heart heart

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