Actually, I won't be able to sleep... I would have to eat first, tutor Vanessa, then work on some Econ stuff. gonk I missed out on making up past assignments! I'm so mad! DX
Well, finals are next week for me, then after that my schedule will most likely look like this:
1. Marketing-Burke
2. Goverment- Berwick or Eisenbrey
3. Concert Choir- Squires
4. Sociology- Berwick
5. Wood Tech 1- Cushmen
6. English- Womack
I am SO mad that my old wood shop teacher, Mr. Lindensmith, is taking fifth as his prep period! And he's such an awesome guy... until he calls me Jenny, but oh well, he's been calling Charlie Chucky and Michael Mike... I might drop it though, I don't think I can handle being the only girl among 30+ guys. emo
I laugh at today though, Rinaldo FINALLY believes I'm a senior. He thought I was at most a Junior. How sweet... Well, maybe I won't drop, and not because Charlie is at the point of begging to keep me there, but because I would miss my freshmen buddies Carson, Anthony and Rinaldo. Plus if Carlos or Martin don't swtich anything and stay, I can try to help them harder this coming semester in English. mrgreen
God, I'm going to miss Mr. Longo and Criminal Justice. And even though Mr. Cruthers was a nice econ teacher, I'm glad to be out. I. Hate. Economics. stressed I still have Mr. Burke so yay! More computer time~ heart heart heart
I hope my schedule doesn't get ruined, I like everyone in my classes, but too bad Holly and I won't be walking to Choir together... I'll miss all our near tardiness to class because we have to go ground level across campos from the third floor...
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Confuzzled Shippo
Stuff I have no clue on
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Shippo Small n Mighty
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I love silly/random pics :3 give to me?
"How can you call it all you can eat if your don't eat all that you can?"
Pics Recieved: 4 heart
After 5 1/2 years of the same sig rofl
wahmbulance I will eventually make avi art to people who send me funny pics wahmbulance
"How can you call it all you can eat if your don't eat all that you can?"
Pics Recieved: 4 heart
After 5 1/2 years of the same sig rofl
wahmbulance I will eventually make avi art to people who send me funny pics wahmbulance
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Tons of fun in there though 3nodding