What I have written as my subject translates to: " Hey, here is a list of what I shall be doing over the next few days." And so therefor, if you need to find out what I will be up to over the time span alloted, then this will be a big help to you. 4laugh But mostly me. whee
+Wake up (UBBER important O_O)
+Eat/Shower/Cover myself in fabrics
+Start Grammy's pictures
+ 4laugh Go to mall and hang with Vickie! whee (HURRAAAYY!!) 4laugh whee
+Return to house
+Begin to write SP story outline (make sure to document! take pictures!)
+Continue drawing SP story plan for my illustrations
+Write Aunt Jeanne's letter and start on picture
+Wake up again! (Up body UP!!)
+Eat/Shower/Roll into an outfit
+Continue (if not already finished) Aunt Jeanne's and Grammy's letter and pictures
+ACT ACT ACT practice! (No, not acting, ACT is a test)
+Continue drawing illustrations for plan (DOCUMENT DOCUMEEENNTTT)
+Eat food
+WRITE SP story!! OH! And begin working on Project Log.
+ Contact Mr. Case and Mr. Cadwallader, and see if both are available soon
As for what I plan on doing Monday, besides going to school, I really don't know what I am going to do. Probably work more on my project. DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMEEEENNNNNTTTTT!! GAHHH!!! O____________________O
Gaia really needs an open-mouthed GAKKKK emoticon. REALLY DOES NEED ONE. 4laugh pirate
OOOHH!! I must remember to draw:
Hiei in Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends type theme.
Comic from last entry's adventure. MAN what an expierence that was. XD
Inspired Seal song creations
Chowder type theme
Power Puff Girls type theme(yu yu hakusho) XD
My children! >w<
Schult pictures! XD
AND MORE! 4laugh pirate
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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Sakura lady of death
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heart When your avi dreams of being a Game Grump heart