The Doctor: David Tennant.


Strange wimpy man:
The ood:

A strange teenage girly.... oh wait that's me. rolleyes
Right then.
So its a resort planet. In the woods. Craziest scenario ever. The ood are a race of servants. Who LIKE... sometimes, being servants. They were on this resort planet as the manual labor for everything. Need a guy to dig a trench, "The ood are happy to serve you,"
Enter the kitchen, the ood are serving up food. Heehee. Well, they're a psychic race, communicating to each other with their brainnnns. Those glowy thingies translate their thoughts they want you to hear, into creepy words. The other eppy they were in they went crazy. They are set to come back into a new episode this season.
So we were vacationing. The four of us, the wimpy guy wasn't with us til later. Doctor and I felt uneasy with the ood. They were a little odd around us, misspeaking slightly. Gah. got to get off.