These days i wake up, i hear the alarm clock beeping. I wake up and get ready for that thing called life the same old story same old song and dance. As im walkin out the door I always take a glance in the mirror and all i see..... is colors of my heart The different sides, black of my darkness, the blue of my sadness, the red of my anger, the green of my jealousy, and the Purple of my true passion . and the other side, my curtians that shield... the White of my pureness, the Yellow of my rare happyness. With these colors locked up inside im a colorless prism shielding light to show my colors to others. My prism sheilded in a place no one can find, even for myself it can be difficult to find.....
SystemOfAnUp357 · Fri Jan 04, 2008 @ 08:12am · 0 Comments |