The place where all of my thoughts go before I have a chance to think them through and only post the things that matter or don't offend people. Be warned.
I haven't posted in a while and the last time I did, it wasn't a happy one- So I figure, time to up the style of my journal alittle bit.
Now, Ryan, you should know by now that I won't let you off that easily. And for all of your people who don't check my journal non-stop (yes, I know it's you Ryan) Ryan and I got into a bit of an arguement last night :chomp: He be deh loser blaugh
I was telling him about how today I won't be on much because of a friend going to a wedding so I have to babysit her children, then I began talking about how I'll be reading all day. HE is the one who said he was reading "hockey for dummies" or some stupid thing like that xp You can't deny it Cinder, It's NOT my fault and now everyone knows it!
I win because I got it into my journal first!!! BA HA!
~~ NO a different note, I'm not feeling well xp I've got it all, swore throat, coughing sneezing, swore back, headacke stomache acke LOL! How about we just throw my body in the garbage and call it quits.
My mom keeps complaining about how I need to get things for her when she's only like 10 feet away XD because she's anemic.. LoL See, people like mymom really shouldn't have anything wrong with their bodies, they take advantange LOL
But I found a way to avoid her *darty eyes* She's like "I feel like I'm going to feint" So I get it for her but when I come back I say "Well, I feel like I'm going to blow and cough and sneeze at hte same time---" then walk off into another room that way she can't call to me and probably wouldn't. As much of a pain she is when she knows somethings wrong with her, she never tries to be sick just to get treatment. heart
Oh! Hey, guys get your running shoes ready, HP and the Half Blood Prince comes out in 14 days! Se, me on the other hand--- have it reserved at sam goody, maybe not the cheapest place to buy it--- but that's my store... I buy everything there is to buy that's Harry Potter in that store (along with just about everything else I buy) That's my store ^^ I told any of my friends that asked what I wanted for my birthday that I would love to have sam goody gift certificates. *shrug* that's all I told them because I don't like surprises domokun
Ok, I think that's all--- for now *glance to Cinder* We'll find something else to argue about then it's going to be in my journal again--- unless it's just not funny... Now, I know it wasn't all too funny sounding in here but it is to us, and since he comes in here--- I think it needs to be in here too.
Bah! Psychology for Dummies! But YOU started set it all in motion by mentioning 'reading' in general. @__@ I refuse to accept responsibility! xd!
C ! n d e r · Community Member · Sun Jul 03, 2005 @ 04:47am
Oh, but you will accept what you are blamed for!! XD
Lacya · Community Member · Fri Jul 08, 2005 @ 09:59pm