If you know what a kender is, you will understand. If not, this is going to be a collection of random stuff depending on how I feel, the events of the day, web sites, personal interests, trinkets, collectables and stuff from my pockets :)
Ouch Sunburn!!!!!
Had what we call a "day away" yesterday. Basically we have a full day meeting that we use to talk about the activities of the house, and do some team building stuff. And naturally it is "away" from the group home and main office.
My supervisor offered her place. It was really nice surounded by bush, fairly cool, and fantastically built and decorated. She also has a hot tub. We decided to have the meeting outside. For the most part, we kept to the shade, but occasionally had to move to avoid the direct sun, if we paid attention. Well a good portion of us discovered we were burnt. Some who had been slapping on the sunscreen were in better shape, but they too had signs of sun exposure. My face, head left shoulder and just below my elbow joints are very red, but my shoulder aches the most. At least for me this will last for a day or 2, then tan and maybe peel if I don't keep applying moisturizing cream to it.
But other than that it was a good and productive day
o... I HATE sunburn! i got it all over when I went to Hawaii and forgot my sunscreen, but since then I havent got it too bad. Still, I am glad it was productive at least. :thumbsup:
Thyna Community Member
Sun Jul 03, 2005 @ 03:22pm
Helps that we got a new supervisor. With the last one the only suggestions that were followed through were her own, and not necessarily something we all agreed upon. We all said pretty much what needed to be said and we know this time we will be satisfied with the results.