Yeah, I downloaded more Shiny Toy Guns songs. So far my favorite is I Promise You Walls. It's so sad sounding, but it's got this quality to it that I can't describe because it's just so cool. Then I downloaded a few DDR songs. The one that amuses me the most is called I Am Gothic. lol No idea who did it though.
It's funny because it is about a chic who is "gothic" but it's to techno. XD It makes sense though. Some "goths" like techno. I know I DO!!!!!!!! Then again, I'm a different breed of "goth." I'm TECHNO GOTH!!!!!! ALL HAIL MY ALMIGHTY TECHNO DREDS AND NEON GLOWING CLOTHES!!!! Which I never wear or have hair like that... Be gone evil ditzes and preps! I KEEL JOO ALL!!! I must go. My techno music signal is calling me to the secret techno club that incidently everyone knows about and it just so happens that it is the most popular one in town........ lol ...I'M OFF!!!!!!!! WHOOSH!!! -blinks off to insanity- domokun
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