cinderwolf and i walked back in2 camp after that days training 2 c the camp bak 2 normal.i noticed goldpaw,the oldest apprentice bounding toward me. im going 2 be made a warrior!!!!she said 2's about time u be made in2 a warrior!i said.i no!exlaimed cinderwolf who waz right beside me.wen iz da ceremony? i asked goldpaw. moonhigh. she replied. i looked up at the sky 2 c the sun dipping in2 the horrizon.that wont be long!we walked over 2 the fresh kill pile and toke our share before settling down 2 eat.i wonnder wat itll be like 2 be a warrior?i said.ill let u no az soon as i get the hang of it!replied goldpaw.just as we finished up i heard whitemoon call,"let all those old enough 2 catch there own prey grather around the highrock.he called.goldpaw got up and started pawing the ground nervously.goldpaw!my father said,u have trained hard to serve ur clan and ashfoot and i agree that it is time that u be made in2 a,goldpaw,do u promise 2 serve your clan even if it costs u your life?i do.then from now on, u will be nown as Goldpool.GOLDPOOL,GOLDPOOL!the rest of the clan took up the cry.then 1 by 1 the clan started gathering around her 2 congradulate her,i waz among the 1st after foxtail and frostpool.(her parents)
after things had settled down, i said 2 goldpool,i hope that u r ready for your's going 2 be a long night!i said cheerily.goldpool however did not look so really not looking foward 2 this.she told me.well,will it help if i stand outside the apprentices den as if i had 2 keep vigil also?maybe.she starting 2 brightin.but u cant fall asleep!she joked.
i told father wat i waz going 2 do and he i ended up staying up allllllllllllll nigth long wit goldpool and it waz freezing outside the warm apprentices den.
by the time morning came along i swear i must have had frost on my pelt!wen cinderwolf saw me and how tired i looked,she said fr me 2 go and get some sleep.i didnt hesitate and niether did goldpool.i walked in2 the apprentices den 2 c starpaw just getting up.where were u last night,nightpaw?he asked me. so i told him.wen i had finished he gave my head a lik then headed out of the apprentices den.stonepaw was the only 1 left and he waz still asleep!so i laid down and closed my eyz and it wasn't long before i could sleep closing in on me.
wen i woke up it waz about sunhigh. i could tell becuz the morning patrol waz just coming bak and i had seen the morning patrol leave so i no who had left.i walked outside the den 2 c owlpelt and goldpool sharing tounges and mother mother walking out of fathers den.wen she saw me she bounded over and touched her nose 2 mine in greeting.cinderwolf is looking for u. she said.ok. i replied.i spotted cinderwolf talkin 2 leafpelt while lefpelts pups played 2gether. i walked over and sat down beside her while the 2 talked. all of a sudden i felt something pound in2 my side. i jumped bak and looed around only 2 c birchpup and lionpup looking at me,playfulness in there eyz.suddenly,they jumed on me and next thing i no is that we r all on the groiund laphing and playfighting.cinderwolf must have noticed me becuz she said,its about time u were up!com on!it's time 2 go 2 the training holow. as i followed her out of the camp, i thought, this iz going 2 be a wonderful day!
i had no idea how wrong i waz.
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