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My Image of Anita


My Image of Anita

Youth:Anita was a youth at the Jedi temple when it was attacked she was basically flung to the backwaters of space forcing to live on the moon Nar Shaddaa, as a slave for a Hutt, named Klob, she worked as a servant till she reached eight where she showed a rather skilled hand at a blast. A Rodian male had come into the compound with the intent to kill Klob, Anita at the last second took a blaster from a guard that hadn't expected the attack and shot the Rodian, because of this Klob gave her the position of his personal Bounty Hunter and Body Guard.
Teenage Years: Anita trained since she was eight-years-old till she was 13-years-old when she started to go on Bounty hunts she learned to distinguish vital spots after that point killing anything that had a bounty to it Sentient and none. About the age of 17 Anita grew tired of being the pawn of a disgusting creature that she planned for a gullible fool to try and attack, at which point she instead of shooting the fool she shot Klob, giving everyone a shook, as she walked out the front door, and left the moon.
Adulthood: At the age of 18, Anita discovered her ability in the force, and started learning from fallen Jedi, to those trained in the dark side of the force. About a year later Anita discovered that she had a twin sister that survived, she then went hunting for her. About two months later when she was 19, Anita confronted Amma, through out the long battle Amma had left cuts across Anita's face from ear to ear, Anita was exhausted from the fight and was left to the elements when Amma ran. With a personal vendetta Anita has been trying to kill Amma in any way possible from physically to mentally and emotionally.