Why my avatar is the suck:
So you clicked on my sig wondering why my avatar is so un Heisei-like right? Or maybe you can to my journal looking for those tips everyone knows and loves. I don't care, point is, you here, and here is my rant:
I recently deleted my character for new hair and to experiment with new items using Photoshop (yeah you heard me right, I am my own Avatar Simulator). I find it much easier dealing with it myself than wondering if I can layer certain stuff over one another. So anyways, I make some new avatars, not particularly happy with any of them, but I made them nonetheless, and go back to my normal hair style only to find that not all of my items re-equip to my character. Weeee, just my luck, apparently the max amount of items I can equip currently is 11, but my current avatar wears 12... neutral . This pissed me off like crazy, and I ended up throwing a hissy fit tempertantrum, kindergarden style. To this minute it infuriates me, hence, why my avatar is el mucho sucko. Sure I could recreate some of my old avatars to fit into the 11 max, but why bother? Its a waste of my time, and I'd just rather strut my stuff in my undies and a baseball bat 3nodding
Peace out, oh and Gaia: FIX THE DAMN GLITCH!!!111
Edit: Well, the glitch is gone for me, so happy I am mrgreen
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