Curently Listening To: Nothing
I wasn't sure how to start this blog, because so much stuff happened today.
To finally start, today was the first day I slept in class. It was AWESOME!!
Skipping to 7th period. The Annoying One, being the annoying one that he is, started copying me. Again. 'm like "Dude! I know you're copying, so don't even try!" But his butt-face is all up in my grill, er, assignment. His stupid face was like, "I don't care. I won't try to not get caught copying!" He turns around as soon as I see him. scream GO AWAY!!!
Okay, once I got over that, The Annoying One deciced to move. BEfore he did, he said, "Excuse me", and went back to his seat. Moments later, I take a deep breath...and let it out as soon as I can. OMG HE FREAKIN' FARTED! OOOHHHH, but it wasn't like a, "oops, sorry, must have been something I ate", it was, "Hmmm, since you don't want me to see our paper, I think I'm just gonna fart and leave, knowing it will bring you depression and sadness!" I still laugh at this, but the other person sitting at the table said it smelled like, "pickles and feet". rofl That's just soooooo, funny. The Annoying One was like, "It's not that bad!" Shut up! One more whiff of your butt fart and I could have been dead, so don't say anything!
So, after school, this problem that occured made me talk to ex-BGF. He left, once some of my friends and I started singing Paramore and once I started to talk about how the bassists in bands are so hot. He texted, "Hi", so I replied, "Yo." He still hasn't replied yet.
Speaking of instruments, I got into this thing, for Orchestra. smile
Lol, I tried not to laugh, but when my mom pulled up to pick me up, she was listening to Toxic by Britney Spears. I tried to spare the embarassment by asking her if she took my ipod.
While I was with my mom, we went to Zaxby's before my Violin lesson. I tell you, Zaxby's is much better than KFC. Well, anyways, during this heart-to-heart moment, I tried to drop a hint to tell her why I should go out with STBB. Well, most of the time she would say, "You're too young." Tell you the truth mom, that's not an excuse. I think going out with someone depends on maturity (friends, this is when you back me up here). She wanted to know who I liked. I wanted to say, "I'll tell you if you let me go out with him." So I never did. But she said she was going to ask my aunt. The thing I don't understand is, why would you want to tell someone who you like, if you're the one who is in the way of keeping us apart? I think no one should be in the way of your emotions. talk2hand
Too bad I was too much of a chicken to tell my mom that. xd neutral
Oh, and she thinks she knos who STBB is. She's like, "I know who he is. He's in two of our classes and is in orchestra. That was TOO easy!" Mom. You have never met him or his parents, so don't even try. I know you're going to ask my aunt for all the answers. Of course she's seen him during concerts, but apparently, she doesn't know his name. SO HOW DO YOU KNOW HIM? She probably thought it was ex-BGF (btw, I never told her about what happened between him and me). My plan is, once she finds out, I'm going to confront her with all the facts on why I should be with heart STBB heart . I found some pretty good reasons on the internet, actually...
But I really want to talk about her because I don't want to be morally irresponsible, break one of the Ten Commandments and go out with him behind his back (one of my reasons). Also, if he asks me out, I don't want to say, Yeah...I like you, but I can't go out with you (another one of my reasons). IT MAKES NO SENSE! Ugh, mothers. stressed But so far, I have been pretty calm, besides the raging hormones, commanded by Master Puberty to tell me, "Go out with him, go out with him..." Stupid hormones.
heart ,
Space Cadet 13 · Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 12:13am · 1 Comments |