Martial Arts
I have a unique view on Martial Arts. I dislike that the traditions of the old ways are corrupted when introduced to American Society, just because they dont "sell" well enough. To be considered a true Martial Art by me, a style must have rigorous and realistic training. Shaolin Monks have realistic training, but those pupils in counterpart school like USSD do not. Real Tae Kwon Do is taught in the Korean army while ATA still has an amount of realism, like USSD, but only enough so that it will still be popular with the majority of unfit Americans who cannot handle military styled trainning regiments. Talking about the military, Krav Maga is also a true Martial Art because it has been proven to work in many combat situations. That explains why the Israeli Special Forces use it. Martial Art schools in the states like ATA, Shaolin, Kenpo, etc. are mostly sport. The techniques taught will not be effective unless you master them through years of training, which would be longer than that of the Monks because of the schedule of Americans. This is unlike Krav Maga, which I have sampled, because this style isn't complex and the techniques are easy and effective. But so much so, that they are deadly and no one wants their kids to practice actual martial techniques. That is why I am not very impressed with the Martial Arts scene in the US.
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