Luka Cara Moons, Nuverian Anamagi
Luka walked along the crowded streets, weaving through the groups of people. She ran quickly, keeping her head down. Her darkened blue fur blended in with the slight shadows, and kept her face, arms, and legs hidden from onlooking eyes... Her claws clicked softly against the stone. Her wolf-like ears were pressed against her head. Over them, and her milk chocolate brown hair, was a black top hat, set at an angle. Her liquid silver eyes gazed around nervously as she rounded another corner into an alley. All the small noises, the clicking of her claws, rustle of her black pants, and her panting breath seemed much louder then normal. She shivered as the cool air blew past, her black blouse eased back at the edges. Her tail swished back and forth nervously as she rounded another corner. Soon, she stuck her muzzle to the sky and howled, her back arching. A few moments later, the howl was returned. She sighed, sprinting down the enclosed walkways. She would soon be home...
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My book
My random collaberation of random stuff... 'Nuff said.
[i:083b251c22]The last good thing about this part of town...[/size:083b251c22][/i:083b251c22]
[i:083b251c22]The last good thing about this part of town...[/size:083b251c22][/i:083b251c22]
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