Random public records for the B/C Shop OGW: On Gossamer Wings
To Do List - November 06th, 2007
Now that I actually have a working version of photoshop installed, and most of my crazy school stuff is over (though I still have a few more assignments this week) I thought perhaps it would be a good idea to compile a to-do list to keep people updated on what I'm doing. Also, if I'm forgetting something, you guys can kick me and I'll add it to the list. XD
(Note: I'm currently half asleep, so this probably isn't even close to being completely right. I'm sure i've forgotten some stuff. If you know of anything else that needs to get done, pleaaaaaaaaase let me know!)
TO DO LIST: Cert Sinbari's Custom Cert Eirnae's Black Cats from the Auction Cert Ane and Dee's freebies Update the owner list GROWINGS Assign more gossamer edits Look for a couple colorists/line editors, maybe hold contest?