"Live your life the way you want, roaming the land free without a care in the world, or ruling the land, caring for your people more than your own health, the choice of how you live is your own."
"Soar like an eagle in the blue sky, living free, never to be captured, that is the was your heart should be."
"Never let your heart falter, for if you let it, you will forever be a prisoner of hate and deceit"
"Before you go, let me leave you with a very important message. Come back alive."
"You're conscious is very important to you. It may tell you to do things, but don't do them just because it told you to, do it because it's right, and because you want to."
"Don't let others control you. Your life is in your hands."
"Give your heart to someone trustworthy of your importance, for everybody's heart is easily broken, yet it is the hardest to piece back together."
Sujung118 · Sat Oct 20, 2007 @ 02:18am · 4 Comments |