Time for a rant.
I don't get anything from "my" school. Nothing. I am, as my English teacher said, "a worthy student...[who] no one seems to think of when it's time to decide who gets awards." Well, I'm sick of this.
So maybe I don't have the top grades in the class of '05, but I'm pretty high on the list. I've taken almost every honors and AP course I could, got the HIGHEST score that ANY student has ever gotten in an AP English class (99%--the other highest score was a 96%), have a good bet of getting a 5 on that test, and I don't get any awards.
I've worked my arse off to make it to band functions, and am the only tuba player. I'm also the lead trombonist in jazz band, since I was pretty much thrown into the spot in November, performed a work by Duke Freakin' Ellington in early DECEMBER, and am the only one that can play decently now.
I've been the best at German pronunciation, even if my verb/adjective endings sometimes get mixed up. I've tried to go over and above every project.
It's never good enough, I guess.
Even outside of school, nothing I do is good enough. Horizons? I can't even begin to count the number of times I've gotten berated/yelled at/needlessly hounded because nobody thinks I can do the job. Well, it's the end of the year, and WOW--everything was fine. There was one little screw up that literally happens every year, and other than that, no glitches.
Sometimes I just want to throw up.
Ersind · Tue Jun 07, 2005 @ 07:06pm · 3 Comments |