Okay, the day was Thursday September 27, 2007. My whole 3rd-4th period was in the Library because of testing. After I was done with my test, I went to get a book. When I was done with that, i sat next to my best guy friend. The guy I like, sat in the rocking chair right next to me. We talked the rest of the period. About what? I don't remember. But in the middle of it, he says: "I kinda like _____" The blank is where my best friends name comes in! He said he already told three of his friends, and that they would tell my best friend that he liked her. I haven't talked to him since. Accept in class (4th period) when he sat next to me again. I was drawing myself a bookmarker for the book I checked out, and he said the weirdest thing. "oooo, what are ya writing?" So i said "nothing." That was the last time i have talked to him. I missed school the next day, because... well, i have my reasons. I tryed to tell my friend about it, but she was "too busy." She was at our old elementry school's open house, so she said she'd call me back later. No call, no ring, no friend. Where was she? I haven't talked to her since that same day.... Thursday.
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My life, my problems
This is like about me, so if you like me read this!
XEmo GangsterX
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