Journal 22
Well after resting up in my new cozy room I was interupted by Roxas....Once again he told me that I had to take this challenge. If I beat it then I get some cool power...(Doesn't sound so interesting stare ) Well anyways here I am at the elevator waiting for this challenge to start. But this "little" challenge became a bigger challenge. This is how it went.
"Yo Roxas! When can I start?" I yelled out to Roxas behind me.
".....When the signal is given" Roxas said looking up. The elevator floor came to our level and stopped.
"Guess it's my time to shine right?" I asked him as he nodded back at me. "Fine" I said walking into the elevator. The outsides of the elevator rose a barrier and a weird silver thing appeared out of nowhere. It had no eyes, flexible body and looked it was ready for a fight. It tried to ram me with it's head but I jumped to the side and killed it by burning it to a crisp. "Is that it?" I said out loud waiting for the next enemy. Suddenly the elevator halted as if time itself had stopped. As I looked around more of these silver things came out ( I mean everywhere eek ) they were coming from the ceiling the walls and the floor."Well this don't look to good sweatdrop ." I summoned my chakrams and got ready for them. They charged at me from all directions I ducked down a bit and jumped somersaulting with my chakrams orbiting around me killing them in an instant. I landed on the ceiling and fought all of the one there going easy on them. The ones on the floor kinda floated to the ceiling and attacked me I blocked it in the last second and hacked its head off. I got bored and let them all dog-pile me (heheheh bad mistake stressed ) I unleashed my hellfire killing them all at once.
The elevator continued moving and 4 silver things lances followed 2 of the sorcerer looking things came out and 4 of these giant bulky ones with pretty big swords appeared as I was snoozing on the floor. The ones with the lances disappeared and reappeared above me thrusting their lances ito the ground. (whoa crap eek ) I quickly rolled out the way and summoned my chakrams and threw it cutting one of the in half. The 3 of started unleashing raining thrusts I started to run backwards trying to avoid then one of the sorcerers summoned a red barrier behind me that electricuted me. The lance wielding enemies took this chance to stab me in unison. I regain conscence and and put my chakram infront of me. The lances went in between the holes of my chakrams and I quickly spun it away to disarm them. I jumped up and came down with a vertical slash killing the one in the middle and I immediatly spun around to kill the other 2.
My other chakram returned to my hand and charged after the sorcerers but they put up a barrier that looked like an arena "damn" I said to myself. The 4 bigger guys dragged themselves in and waited for me to attack. I ran at them with full force and slashed through one of them, I turned around and that huge b*****d spun around faster than imagined for a right plow "oh crap!" I yelled I turned towards the sword and tried blocking the sword. It shifted its foot to for a full spining plow. Impact made a shockwave so great it knocked me off my feet (which is NOT good sweatdrop ) the big b*****d carried me around right into the barrier. I got slammed with so much force I made a crater in that electricuted me. I yelled out in pain and the big guy's sword flew back from the force of the barrier bashing one of his friends head off. I fell down in pain I got up and was smack into the barrier again but this time I was blown to the center of the arena. I got down on one knee and floated along the floor at fast speeds I blazed my right chakram and got infront of the thing that spiked me. I stomped my foot on the floor and slashed with an uppercut that hacked him in half.
I teleported infront of the 3rd bulky thing and started slashing at it's chest like lightning it gave out and died. I got to the last one and buzzed my chakrams into him and pushed back into the barrier it it slowly fried it to death as I kept pushing it into the barrier making sure it wouldn't move. The barrier didn't disappear so I was trapped until I broke out. I stood infront of one of the sorcerers and blazed my left at speeds to fast to see. I pulled my left arm back and heaved that chakram right through the barrier thorugh the sorcerer into the wall. The barrier shattered like glass and I grabbed my chakram the sorcerer was looking at me one second and die the next.(that's how fast I am whee )
The elevator coninued and then reached the top but it wouldn't let me out."Great! What's next huh?" I said exasperated. Only one of those silver things came out this time it had long arms that looked like a jagged blade and it crept under the floor and stuck it's arms out ans started slashing in a rapid arm by arm fashion. I jumped back and it disappeared and reappeared behind me. I tried to summon my chakrams but something was compelling me from doing it. It quickly slashed but I was able to dodge it. I tried to summon my fire but nothing caome out. (what the hell? what's going on? confused ) Maybe I'm not suppose to fight but try to reason with it. It has not heart but it's not a heartless it's like me but a completly different entity I said thinking to myself.
It was about to attack me but it stopped as if read my mind or something."Uhh. Well I want to make a vow" I said to the nobody." It looked up and a voice went through my head it said: Then state your vow. "I vow never to use my power against you or any other nobody that doesn't belong to me unless they pose a threat to me." I said to the nobody waiting for it's reply. We accept your vow, the power of the assassins rests with you, guide us with your burning inferno it replied. The assassin left and the path to the exit opened. I walked towards the exit and fell to the floor sitting down."Oh man what a drag stare " I said resting till someone came to get me.
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