Came home 5th period sick. I havent been able to go to Fabrics all this week it seems. I'm not that fussed.
Almost passed out on the way home, It was ******** scary. I was walking up the street next to mine and everything seemed to be getting more and more out of focus and darker and I was really dizzy.
Made it home and have spent around three or so hours throwing up. *Sigh*
Trust me to get sick on Labour weekend. I hope Gaia does something interesting.
Which reminds me: Must buy an Oct tonight.
Also I want to buy something else for my incredibly lame Halloween costume. I wanted to buy Felicia's Gloves but gave up, Now I'm thinking something red or black.
I always do colour themes, I dont know why. Last time it was brown. Brown and Bear-like.
Blerg. I have nothing to do. There must be something to do.
The towns are looking pretty; The last time I saw them all decked out was when I joined last year. Man, That seems forever ago.
I might go talk to people or watch a movie or something. Lest I spend my last tiny amount of gold.
Oh, And I got a Pink Giftbox tonight. My first Pink Giftbox. It took its' while getting here and I only got a Fresh Grass Skirt but still I'm happy.
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Hobo Is Currently : ********? Applesauce. <33333
Randosig Is Down For Now, But Enjoy The Invasion... UUULLAH!
Stand And Deliver, b***h. <3
27 Trunks, 23 Pinklinks, 5 Giftboxes, 7 Blue Boxes.
Randosig Is Down For Now, But Enjoy The Invasion... UUULLAH!
Stand And Deliver, b***h. <3
27 Trunks, 23 Pinklinks, 5 Giftboxes, 7 Blue Boxes.