calling all cars
Any New Yorkers out there? Any of you guys read the Post? Some Staten Island b***h thinks her fifth grade daughter is too good for an inclusions class. An inclusions class is a class that includes grade level, special- ed and honors, for those who don't know, and they all work at their own pace. My mother student teaches in an inclusions class; they divide the three levels into groups for reading and such. One group goes with the aid, one with the teacher and one with my mom. They all work as slowly or as quickly as they are comfortable with. Now, this woman claims her daughter is doing work she did in the fourth grade. Well that's her problem. Maybe the kid isn't as smart as everyone thinks. I'll tell you right now- I'm on the High Honor Roll in my school and I am in two national honor societies. I walked away from my school's last award ceremony with the highest praises in Latin. My essays and also my creative works of writing have been nominated for awards and put in contests (some of them without my knowledge- yeah, you know who you are, dude) and I won a gold metal for the National Mythology Exam, meaning I had a perfect score. I will say this in all honesty; if they stuck me in an inclusions class (which I don't know if they even have in my school) I would definately be well off. A truly intelligent person can make the most of any class they're in. That woman needs to face it- her daughter is either a complete and total Prima Dona, they're a family who is not at all accepting of the disabled or her precious child isn't nearly as smart as they think. EDIT: Hmmm I think I'm gonna start doing this again:
CURRENT LISTENINGS: artist: Rasputina Song: AntiqueHighHeelRedDollShoes Album: Cabin Fever!
Well, for those of you who remember me doing this in the past, yeah, I did set it up a little differently.
Posted by: Whigg Fri Sep 14, 2007 @ 04:21pm