My schedule has been fixed, but I don't actually have it yet, so when I do I'll tell you what it is.
Mom said she'd call the CD overlords and yell at them today. But she didn't. She also said she'd fix iTunes for me a week ago (it won't let my buy songs for some reason). iTunes remains unfixed. Grr on her lazy head!!!
I have solved a mystery that has plagued mankind for years. Yes, that's right people. I KNOW HOW TALL EDWARD ELRIC IS!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I'm not gonna tell you. I'm mean like that mrgreen
Here's my new and improved schedule for the year:
1st quarter- Biology, Driver's Ed, English/Civivs, Japanese
2nd quarter- Biology, English/Civics, Health, Japanese
3rd quarter- Algebra II, Graphic Art, English/Civics, Phy Ed
4th Quarter- Algebra II, Advanced 3D Art, English/Civics, Advanced 2D Art
Spencer, Katie, and Paul (but mostly Spencer 'cos he'l probably be the only one to read this) PLEASE PM ME AND TELL ME YOUR SCHEDULES!!!!!!!!!!
I have now listened to the song Everything by Michael Buble 100 times. Well, actually I haven't but it got stuck playing that song over and over and over for a while so it SAYS I've listened to it 100 times. Whatever.
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Rantings of a Diseased Mind
All those who read further beware, for your brain shall liquify, drip out your nostrils, and flush itself down the toilet.
Smile and the world smiles with you, laugh and they'll all think you're on drugs.
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