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My name is jared and i like to paddle in whitewater,with friends. My favorite river is the ocoee river in my home state of tennesee.I also enjoy fishing and hunting in the great outdoors. I play some video games but im trying to get outdoors more and
This year i have lost many a family member, My step father who was the most important person to me, My great grandmother, a cousin whom i didnt know, but i greive for her, for she was my relative, and as of today my uncle. Tis been a year of heartache, and pain. im confused as ever about where they are, or who their with, or if ill ever see them again. But i write this now, in honor and memory of them this is:

My ode to those Ive lost!

the first month
the third day
The first of you to leave me on this earth

Ive missed you so much
and i tell you now; death hurts.

They can come in groups of one to 5
I feel guilty every now and then, being one whose survived.

The first month
the sixth day
the second of you to go

Will i see you in heaven,
or will i be in hell, bedlam below?

i do not remember the next month
neither the day
I wish at least once in my life,
we could have said hey?

though i did not know you,
i have greived, I have mourned
Though i did not know you
my heart is forever torn

the eighth month
on the eighteenth
ive lost another
to this world filled with greif.

I didnt know you all that well,
but i hold you all so dear

I dont know what more could happen to my family or me?
by the end of this year
I miss you all so much, i loved you more than sea and sky
I miss you so much, oh ones whove died
Please hear my cry, my prayers, my poem, my ode!

I miss you all, and will till i grow old.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 05:14am
oh wow im so sorry. but thats a really good poem

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