I finally caught a Castform (Actually, I caught two, a male and a female), I also caught a Porygon (today's Trophy Garden pokemon) which is kinda nice.
I also traded the Shiny Ditto for a Legit Jirachi yesterday, which is all kinds of awesome as well.
And here is some advice: When you are running around training pokemon/trying to fill your pokedex, try and have a couple of pokemon with Pick-up in whatever spots you aren't using. They should be at least level 31, preferrebly higher. Why? It is quite simple, once in a while they "pick up" items after a battle that are useful. And as long as they are over level 30, there is a decent chance that said item is a rare candy. The higher level the pokemon with pick-up is, the higher the chance that the item is a Rare Candy (or other useful items, such as dusk stones, PP ups, Full Restores, Max Revives, and even certain TMs). I currently have a level 94 Linoone on my team. ^^
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New title! Don't worry, I'll still write about my adventures in Pokemon Diamond. However, I will add other stuff as well. ^^
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