Sammys' secret birthday thingie went well. We all went to see 'Hitch Hikers Guide' then Hale and I had to run off.
Turns out busses that go up Aro Street dont run on weekends. So we had to run back to the Arcade and call Tim. ^^ It all worked out well as Soph and Ben destracted Sam and Hale and I had time to get there and hide. Ahh, I love it when Sam screams. twisted And she screamed alot when she got back to her house and found us sitting on her bed.
Once she calmed down we all set about renting out 'Shaun Of The Dead', 'Spirited Away' and drinking this great little $5.00 peach wine. I think it's a desert wine but Kate found it at the supermarket and for $5.00 and 9.8% alcohol; It's not bad. ^^
All in all it was a great party.
After Sams, Hale and I wandered over to Ians. (Boredom lead the way)
We dragged him over into the cemetary where we played Presidents And Arseholes for ages. Guess who happened to be the Arsehole most of the time? -_-;
After that we listened to music and watched Hale torture some Sims. I have Ians' Sims-2 disks around here somewhere but havent put installed it yet as we havent enough disk space. Turns out my mum has 4.5GB worth of songs. *Siiiiigh*
As if this computer wassent pack enough allready. Hopefully, I'm going to buy me a new one soon. ^^ Hopefully.
Then on monday I stayed home. I woke up at 4:30pm, I have no idea why. Seems I slept through my alarm. ^^;; Ahh well.
Today I got to sleep in till 9:30 then laze my way across town to be at school by 11:20. Had a period of drama.
Henry wassnt there so we decided to try and pick our monologue pieces. I ran away to give blood at lunchtime. ^^; I also dragged Ian with me.
The blood people (Vampire-like folk, With white gloves and red eyes...) spent hours trying to find my veins. Kind of embarrassing really. They didnt have this much trouble last time I donated.
But I got a bandage and a toy elephant out of it so I'm amused. Ohh, And I get to save peoples lives but no biggie. ;p
Afterwards, To celebrate Ians' loss of of his 'Blood Donater Virginity', We went down and watched 'Kingdom Of Heaven'.
It was okayish. The only thing on really. I liked the Leper-King. ^^
Turns out 'Star Wars #3' is comming out on friday.
I should have noticed since New Zealand has been going 'Star Wars Crazy' for the last few weeks. All I can say is "The old ones were better".
Ahh well, At least we havent done anything dorky like those damn LOTR parades. Those are embarrassing. I dont think there is anyone in NZ who hassent hugged all the stars from the main cast and/or been an extra in one of the films.
Even if you havent done either; There is a good chance that somone you know has. It's embarrassing pimping off our country like that. ^^;;
Yarr. One good thing out of the Rollback is that now I can say I've sort of 'Un-offically' gone back in time. ^^
And hopefully the crazy inflation will die out. But I like going back in time better.
Finally watched a bit of Cartoon Networks' hacked version of One Piece.
I wish I haddent now. The most horrible thing I have ever seen happen to a cartoon I like. Made me cry, Almost.
Worst thing I have seen all week. I hope Josh hassent seen it; If so that might explain why I havent seen him for a few weeks. Poor thing.
Enough complaining. Time to don the Viking Hat and pillage!
I have filming tomorrow. twisted
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Randosig Is Down For Now, But Enjoy The Invasion... UUULLAH!

Stand And Deliver, b***h. <3
27 Trunks, 23 Pinklinks, 5 Giftboxes, 7 Blue Boxes.