I write how I think all writers should write- I write however I think
Beware! There is a hacker who took over DarkNarutoFirefox's account! Put him on your ignore list! Do not give him your password! I have reported him and soon he will be banned! If he contacts you through my friend's list ignore him. If I begin acting stranger than normal...ignore me. Most of you know things about me that most people don't know and can ask me questions if you suspect I have been hacked. Just protecting my friends!
Hellp person, im darkage365, friend darknarutofirefox, he goina make a new username but he have to make a nother narutoname but he still have his youtube acccount, i guest the hacker didnt know, lucky him, well anyway his username will be
btw im not the hacker
it seem he cant find a good username for a new accout, he whant me to send you his new email but it didnt work as a user