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New title! Don't worry, I'll still write about my adventures in Pokemon Diamond. However, I will add other stuff as well. ^^
So, I have finally visited the battle area, and I must say it is a great place to level pokemon, most wild pokemon have a level over fourty or more, and the trainers pokemons are usually around level 50 or so. Great place.

I also transfered six more pokemon from emerald to diamond. I transfered Kyogre and Groudon (of course), as well as a Kingdra, a Corsola, a Sableye, and a Snorlax I promptly bred to get a Munchlax.

The Corsola, Kingdra and Snorlax where all obtained through trades, thus increasing my chances to win at the lottery. I of course only won fourth prize yesterday, getting a new backdrop for the super contests. Which of course is a lot better than getting nothing. ^^

I also had my first swarm yesterday, skitty of all things. All level 40. Gah that is a big kitty. mrgreen
I also caught Rotom, which I will breed as soon as I get a ditto (or two).

On another note, there is a guy in the survival area of the battle frontier that will trade you a magikarp if you bring him a finneon. And considering that Finneons are fairly easy to catch once you have the good rod it is worth it, if for nothing else to get an increased chance in the lottery. That the magikarp came with an item attached was just a bonus. ^^

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