Here are the only 2 links that I know work:
Tate's Comics
Video Game Depot
If you click on the first one, every 12 hours it will get you 30g. Then you have to wait 12 hours before it will work again. If you click the 2nd link right away, it will get you about 15g, but if you wait a few minutes and then click it, it will get you closer to 20g. Please post in this thread after you vote, too, as that will ensure you'll get all 10g for the vote (otherwise the votes won't earn you as much).
Yay gold!
Tate's Comics
Video Game Depot
If you click on the first one, every 12 hours it will get you 30g. Then you have to wait 12 hours before it will work again. If you click the 2nd link right away, it will get you about 15g, but if you wait a few minutes and then click it, it will get you closer to 20g. Please post in this thread after you vote, too, as that will ensure you'll get all 10g for the vote (otherwise the votes won't earn you as much).
Yay gold!
Thought I'd place that here for my, and your reference if you decide to use it. :]This was taken by Poll World, which is a cool guild coz you can get a lot of gold by posting and obviously, taking polls. :] Its pretty cool.
Lately, I've been listening to music of The Phantom of The Opera. I finally saw the movie based on the broadway play I saw a couple of months ago or so..Its great. I recommend it to anyone who has not seen it yet. :] I also bought the Phantom movie from the 1940s. Maan..its so much different from the play. XD Its kind of weird, but I like it. I've only watched maybe half of it though.
Community Member