so on sunday i went to the la salette shrine in twin lakes wisconsin! it was beyond what i expected! i had a marvelous time! it was awesome! twin lakes is gorgeous! and the shrine was beautiful! the lady who organized it was so cheerful and full of life that she gave life to the boring trip full of old ladies! seroiously i was the youngest person there who was willingly going on that trip. the youngest person was like a five year old kid who came with ihm dad but he didn't really understand what was going on. when we arrived people were like "the shrine is so simple because the priests are poor" but i dind't think it was simple or poor. i don't think it could have been any richer! if it was made of gold or diamonds it would not have the peacefulness and the serenity that it did. it seemed isonlated because there was a wall of trees around it! it was so beautiful! i have been longing for being in a forest and with nature again for so long and i finally got it when i needed it the most! i love the Virgin Mary. because the shrine was built in memory of appearance of the weeping Virgin Mary in the french alps at la salette. i can't even describe how happy i was! and they made this little pond with a bridge over it with lots of fish in it and you could buy fish food for a quarter and feed them! and i did! the fish were so cute. and there were baby fish and the food was bigger than them! it was so funy! and there were water lilies there! i have not seen water lilies in like seven years! they were sooooo pretty! I love Virgin Mary for inviting me to such a wonderful place!