NRX-044 Asshimar
A new transformable mobile suit design introduced by the Earth Federation Forces and Titans during the Gryps War, the NRX-044 Asshimar is the first mobile suit capable of sustaining atmospheric flight under its own power. It could also transform into a UFO-looking mobile armor form, giving it even greater speed and agility in the air. Its transformation systems incorporated magnetic coating technology, reducuing friction between its moving parts and allowing the Asshimar to transform between modes in a very short time. Its armor was also thick and highly durable, impervious to most standard mobile suit small arms fire. Despite the fact that it was armed only with a beam rifle, the Asshimar proved to be a highly effective design, due to its durability, speed, and agility with its aerial combat capabilities. The Asshimar was a mass produced model, with units being stationed at various Federation Forces bases all over Earth.