I have a bad mouth, so you know. What I mean by that topic is: I can't read the 7th book until school starts, but OF COURSE even if your guilds mark it, some ******** a*****e has to put SNAPE DIES! in huge letters as the topic in his thread in the discussion. I didn't show him I was angry in the thread because that would be playing into his hands, but I'm REALLY mad! The only reason I waited 1/2 a year to read book 5, and even LONGER afterwards to read book 6 was because people spoiled the deaths to me. I just thought "Oh, what's the point!" I end up reading it anyway, but I had already had the thing about Harry being a father spoiled to me and I'm really upset! I mean, what was I supposed to do? Lock myself in a closet!? They have officially killed all but 2 of my favorite 5 characters. Please don't spoil anymore here- I'm just complaining here because.....I guess I felt like you guys would understand sweatdrop and I really needed to get it out. I was about to cry (I cry when I'm angry...) Discuss here: Stupid people. Does it bother you when people spoil? What had been spoiled to you FROM BOOK 6 DOWN. Not 7, please. I've had enough spoilers for one book!
Robyn Spruce · Sun Jul 29, 2007 @ 02:59am · 0 Comments |