these are the true conservations i have with my friends at 12 in the morning enjoy!Konecki726F: hi
UndeadSuitcase: hey
Konecki726F: sup?
UndeadSuitcase: nmu
Konecki726F: got home at 10 frome the wake
UndeadSuitcase: sorry dude
Konecki726F: its ok i feel relived in away
UndeadSuitcase: nmu
Konecki726F: ?
UndeadSuitcase: lol whoops
Konecki726F: kk
UndeadSuitcase: wrong box
Konecki726F: i figured
UndeadSuitcase: yar
Konecki726F: you are a pirate!
UndeadSuitcase: i are a pirate indeed.
Konecki726F: yop
Konecki726F: so whats new with you
UndeadSuitcase: not alot
Konecki726F: like what
UndeadSuitcase: nothing really. just going to school. being ******** bored
Konecki726F: yeah that happens to you alot
UndeadSuitcase: yeah
UndeadSuitcase: cause no one can ******** hang out
Konecki726F: yeah
Konecki726F: we try though
UndeadSuitcase: indeed
Konecki726F: quite
Konecki726F: you bored?
UndeadSuitcase: very.
Konecki726F: we need to do something!!
UndeadSuitcase: i agree
Konecki726F: but what
Konecki726F: *stokes imaginary beard*
UndeadSuitcase: *strokes real beard*
Konecki726F: well id have the start of one if i dident shave for my family
UndeadSuitcase: lol
Konecki726F: dont laugh at me its a serious problem!!
UndeadSuitcase: too bad
Konecki726F: ><
Konecki726F: ><
UndeadSuitcase: indeed
Konecki726F: quite
Konecki726F: bored again!
UndeadSuitcase: lol
Konecki726F: what now?
UndeadSuitcase: well if you had wifi we could battle
Konecki726F: yeah but i dont
Konecki726F: how do i get it?
UndeadSuitcase: you need a wireless router for your internet
Konecki726F: where do i get that
UndeadSuitcase: buy or something
Konecki726F: k
Konecki726F: kk
Konecki726F: what else can we do?
UndeadSuitcase: now?
UndeadSuitcase: orrr
Konecki726F: now
Konecki726F: im bored
Konecki726F: now
Konecki726F: ugh
UndeadSuitcase: lol
UndeadSuitcase: hmm
Konecki726F: dude now that buckets 100% gay should we mess with him
UndeadSuitcase: ..
UndeadSuitcase: dude
Konecki726F: ?
UndeadSuitcase: i mess with him even when we arent talking
UndeadSuitcase: [he and i]
UndeadSuitcase: i post comments
UndeadSuitcase: post replies in topics
UndeadSuitcase: he will see them all
Konecki726F: i mean you try to saduce him and we laugh
UndeadSuitcase: ..
UndeadSuitcase: no
UndeadSuitcase: not me
UndeadSuitcase: he = my brother
UndeadSuitcase: awkward
Konecki726F: hes more like second cousin to me
Konecki726F: lol
UndeadSuitcase: lol
UndeadSuitcase: then its okay if you do it
Konecki726F: its still akward
Konecki726F: ,lol
UndeadSuitcase: lol
Konecki726F: we should try to get jordan to do it
UndeadSuitcase: lol
UndeadSuitcase: that would be awesome
Konecki726F: yes but jordans too homophobic
UndeadSuitcase: yeah
Konecki726F: true
UndeadSuitcase: lol
UndeadSuitcase: im haxxing x999 rare candies on my pearl.
UndeadSuitcase: but go on
Konecki726F: it would be like we get bucket and the patsy alone and he would be like "im so confused" and bucket would be like "well maby i can help" then we all jump out and be like "now your gay and gullable" and cool about the candies
UndeadSuitcase: hahaha
Konecki726F: cool i luv the rare candies cheat
UndeadSuitcase: you can use it and the masterball one when we chill
UndeadSuitcase: dragonite here i come
Konecki726F: w00t
UndeadSuitcase: brb
Konecki726F: kk
UndeadSuitcase: k
Konecki726F: j
Konecki726F: k*
Konecki726F: so are you gonna get your pokemon to lv100
UndeadSuitcase: duh
Konecki726F: ha ha
Konecki726F: whats buckets screen name
UndeadSuitcase: he isnt on
Konecki726F: k i thought it was that
UndeadSuitcase: yeah
Konecki726F: go figure
UndeadSuitcase: ?
Konecki726F: omega z
Konecki726F: ugh
Konecki726F: bored again
UndeadSuitcase: dame
Konecki726F: ?
UndeadSuitcase: damn
Konecki726F: kk
Konecki726F: amuse me
UndeadSuitcase: boobs
Konecki726F: do it again
UndeadSuitcase: boobs?
Konecki726F: (.)(.) boobs
UndeadSuitcase: ( . Y . )
Konecki726F: big boobs
UndeadSuitcase: yar
Konecki726F: ( . )( . )
UndeadSuitcase: ( . Y . )
UndeadSuitcase: one is bigger than the other
UndeadSuitcase: lol
Konecki726F: miss shapen boobs
Konecki726F: lol
Konecki726F: { . }{ . }
UndeadSuitcase: [ . ][ . ]
Konecki726F: square boobs
Konecki726F: lol
UndeadSuitcase: < o >< O >
Konecki726F: bored again!
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Konecki726F: you listen!
agitozecter: You're not my real dad!!!
agitozecter: Where's mom?!
Konecki726F: shes on vacation you little b*****d now go to your room why daddy talkes to this nice prosti- i mean masash thereipist, and im not drunk, IM ILLITERATE!
agitozecter: I really didn't expect the joke to stretch out that long...
Konecki726F: im a slow typer
Konecki726F: no
agitozecter: when I used the emote.
Konecki726F: realy?
agitozecter: on my screen
agitozecter: yeah really
agitozecter: it was scary.
Konecki726F: dont worry the evil screens wont attack you again
agitozecter: ...I don't know...
Konecki726F: just stay away from the forest
agitozecter: and just for the record, If I mysteriously sign off, it's either because I got tired, or my internet connection failed me yet again.
Konecki726F: ok
agitozecter: why are you up this late anyways?
agitozecter: You're lucky I checked Gaia before I went to sleep.
Konecki726F: because my friends are normaly on
agitozecter: hmmm.
Konecki726F: i told you i wait for ppls
agitozecter: I know I asked you this on your profile already, but since you're here, how did you get that stick figure thing on you profile pager?
agitozecter: *page
Konecki726F: you save the picture to your folder, then when you edit you profile, pick pictures then click photobucket then upload the image
agitozecter: oh yeah photobucket said that the one I have was too big...
agitozecter: that is also what she said...
Konecki726F: ?
Konecki726F: never mind
agitozecter: hehe
Konecki726F: dont laugh at me
agitozecter: I'm chuckling. not laughing
agitozecter: laughing denotes a derrogative connotation.
agitozecter: chuckling invites joining.
Konecki726F: good, our firefloter giggles now
agitozecter: awakened the indignation that layed dormant in my soul...
agitozecter: AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Konecki726F: hes also 100% gay this time
agitozecter: what???
Konecki726F: none of that bi crap
agitozecter: wasn't he dumped or something?
Konecki726F: no he did some self surching and figured out he likes d**k 100% all the time
agitozecter: Good lord...would it make me a bad person If I tried to seduce him and then utterly laugh at him when he thinks I'm serous?
agitozecter: *serious
Konecki726F: no i was thinking the same thing
agitozecter: haha
agitozecter: it would be funny though.
Konecki726F: yes it would
agitozecter: but unconfortable for the both of us indeed
agitozecter: wait is he like a feminine gay, or at least able to hold a decent conversation without making me want to rip his vocal chords out?
Konecki726F: hes not as feminine as other gay guys are
agitozecter: so he still talks like he used to?
Konecki726F: yes
Konecki726F: but on aim he giggles
agitozecter: ...?
agitozecter: he's on aim?
Konecki726F: yeah but it was more like sbcglobal .net and i tried to add him to my list but it dident work
agitozecter: ah but he can talk to you?
Konecki726F: yes
agitozecter: that sucks!
agitozecter: just like a woman.
agitozecter: you can't talk to them even if you want to, but they talk to you all the time.
Konecki726F: lol
Konecki726F: did i tell you about olivia
agitozecter: did it really take you that long to type" did I tell you about olivia" ?
Konecki726F: i was typing this (it would be like we get bucket and the patsy alone and he would be like "im so confused" and bucket would be like "well maby i can help" then we all jump out and be like "now your gay and gullable" and cool about the candies)
Konecki726F: if we were to mess with him
agitozecter: ...what's a patsy?
Konecki726F: well i ment for it to be the person who pretends to saduce bucket but i cant tell you the actual deffinition
agitozecter: Ah I see thanks.
Konecki726F: np
agitozecter: anyways, who's olivia?
Konecki726F: olivia is this girl i met who i like and think she likes me back and ive been to her house 3 times and we went to see harry potter and talk on the phone or aim almost every day
agitozecter: no you didn't tell me about her, but you should go for it.
Konecki726F: im a looser
Konecki726F: =)
agitozecter: ...what's that supposed to mean?
Konecki726F: idk my bff jill
agitozecter: GAAAH I hate that girl!
Konecki726F: me to tisnf!
agitozecter: your face! That's what's snf!!!
Konecki726F: lol
Konecki726F: but yeah, did you get the english version of pokemon for the ds?
agitozecter: not yet. I'll download it right now.
Konecki726F: kk
agitozecter: which do you think I should get, pearl of diamond?
Konecki726F: which pokemon on the cover do you think is better
agitozecter: palkia.
agitozecter: but dialga has the cooler name.
Konecki726F: well you can nickname palkia dialga
agitozecter: but what if I have to fight the real dialga, then it might get jealous.
Konecki726F: then tell him to suck it
agitozecter: mine?!
agitozecter: that would be wonderful!
Konecki726F: well the games are basicly identical
agitozecter: and do I actually HAVE to enter that beauty contest thing?
Konecki726F: no
Konecki726F: its a minnie game
agitozecter: oh well then that sucks. I made a fool of my penguin for nothing!
Konecki726F: lol
agitozecter: my poor pochama!
Konecki726F: nooooooooo!!!!!!
agitozecter: or whatever it was called in english
Konecki726F: prinplup
agitozecter: that's pretty different.
Konecki726F: the last stage is empoleon
agitozecter: empoleon dynamite?
Konecki726F: no empole-mon warp digivolve to...
agitozecter: chuck norris.
Konecki726F: lol
agitozecter: and just so you know, I hat rukia
agitozecter: *hate
Konecki726F: i know shes kinda emo and weak
agitozecter: not only that, she's completely useless not to mention un-hot.
Konecki726F: yes
agitozecter: and she has a hyourinmaru ripoff!!!
Konecki726F: for asians though she is, wait your asian well i guess to most
agitozecter: not to mention she got first blood in the series with that zampakutou.
Konecki726F: yes
Konecki726F: she is a jerk
agitozecter: do you download the series in subtitles?
Konecki726F: but i dont like alot of the female girls on bleach and no i dont but i did watch up to where he tames the hollow inside him
agitozecter: well, rangiku and yoruichi are hot,
agitozecter: not to mention useful
Konecki726F: yes youuichi is
agitozecter: but she talks like a dude
Konecki726F: when shes a cat
agitozecter: no she sounds like a dude when she's a cat. She talks like a dude all the time.
Konecki726F: well shes less manly when shes a human
agitozecter: fyi there's a masculine way of talking in japanese and a feminine way.
Konecki726F: but shes not realy the school girl kind eather
Konecki726F: spelling
agitozecter: meh good point.
agitozecter: you know, i should get to sleep. I'm smacked awake at eight every morning.
Konecki726F: ok i have to get up anyway
agitozecter: aight later.
agitozecter signed off at 12:29:24 AM.