During Shiro's B-day sleep over I gave him a card that sang "Macho Man" whenever you open it. It was fun but he had a "scary" friend that would beat us to death with a hockey stick.... but he still was really nice to meet. Afterwards we played Halo/used the computer/play the piano and swam the entire time. Felix (Amos) plays Halo werid. He thinks those solider's helments are ugly so he trys to snipe them off their heads but ends up killing them.
Yesterday I went to galveston and went swimming. The name of the waterpark is hard to spell so ill just call it "galveston". Julian, his big brother and my sis and I keep getting lost because of the wave pool's fork and the current that pulls you into it. Anyways the rides are scary, fast, and fun. The end.
Here is a pic of a great time my friends and I had when we first started gaia. We were newbs, spelled things wrong and didn't care what people would say to us. Now, we care.... the pic is mainly about John's favor toward's the anime "Naruto". The picture says it all.