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Difference #1:Hair
-Orange and Yellow...big color dif
-Style: Yondaime has what I like to call "fluffier" hair...(Gaara has it too) also note the strands of hair that come to the front of Yondaime's face. Pein's hair also looks like it's stiffer and has less volume to it.
Difference #2: Face
-Eye color: Yondaime's are blue. Pein's are a grayish color, the picture is inaccurate of that... stare
Difference #3: Village
-Pein: Rain
Difference #4: Current status
-Yondaime is dead, get over it
-Pein is active leader of the Akatsuki. Once again, get over it.
Difference #5: Actions
-IF(And that's a big if) Yondaime was the Akatsuki leader, then he would be considered a hypocrite. Why seal the kyuubi in Naruto if he was just planning on taking it back out? Also, Yondaime doesn't come off as an evil person. He just doesn't seem to be the type to kill one of his own villagers.
-Also, if he was the leader and sealed the kyuubi in Naruto, then wouldn't he just take Naruto captive till the Akatsuki was ready to unseal him instead of having him live in the Leaf Village where he is protected? I mean, it would take less work if he just did that...
Anyways, I think I proved some very valid points. Post your comments, yosh!
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