I'm not even going to bother ranting about how my CD still hasn't come and how I am slowly losing the will to live. Instead, I'm goings to turn to a different obsession entirely- Harry Potter. It is now less than three days til the last book in the series comes out. Here are my predictions for The Deathly Hallows-
Who's gonna die?
I think Harry and Voldemort are both going to die. I love ya Voldy, but by this point in the books I don't think there's much hope for your survival. It is a kid's book, after all. Also, I think Hagrid and Fred and George Weasly will die. I like the twins, but as a rule the funny guys in dramas ALWAYS die. And Snape should die 'cos he's an insufferable little git who should be eaten by rabid ponies.
Snape is.....
Ron/ Hermione and Harry/Ginny, obviously. I hope there's some Remus/Tonks, I love those guys. Maybe some Hagrid/Mme. Maxime. Also, I think Mr. Olivander and Luna Lovegood would make a lovely couple mrgreen
.......yeah, but is Dumbledore really dead?
Yes. He's dead and gone, so get over it you overly optimistic idiots. However, I am still stubbornly refusing to believe that Sirius is gone for good. He'll be back, you'll see. He's too cool to REALLY be dead.
Any crazy theories you'd like to share?
Why yes I would! I think that Lily Potter was related to Godric Gryffindor. Why? Go to Jo Rowling's official website. Click on the wizard of the month. No really, go do it. It's Godric, and do you notice anything about his appearance? He has red hair and green eyes. Who else has red hair and green eyes? LILY. Harry, being Lily's son, is therefore the Heir of Gryffindor! After all, this isn't the first clue we've had to suggest this. In book 2, Harry pulled Godric's sword out of the Sorting Hat. Dumbledore said that only "a true Gryffindor" could do that. Also, Gryffindors and Slytherins are enemies, and Harry's greatest enemy is the Heir of Slytherin, Lord Voldemort. So wouldn't it be fitting if Voldykins' enemy was the Heir of Gryffindor? As for another crazy theory, the bartender at the Hog's Head is really Aberforth Dumbledore (Albus's brother) and he will probably play a large roll in book 7 and help Harry out. Also, Buckbeak will kill Bellatrix Lestrange. Okay maybe not, but it would be nice if he could get revenge for Sirius (who is NOT dead, he's just sitting behind the veil drinking tea and wondering what the hell happened). Also, the giant squid will replace McGonagall as the Transfiguration teacher, but I think we all saw that coming.
Hello. It's two in the morning mrgreen Just thought I'd let you know.
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