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TE: integrity
This is a document that I was here. This is a document -- to prove I was at all...
Nebulis: The record of Shadows
{-The record of Shadows-}

Name: Nebulis
Titles: Darkling, Black Mist,
Child of Oblivion
Nick-Names: Neb, Reven, Recon
Race: Shadow Deriphim/Demon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight

Age: Greater than a millennia-exact age is unknown even to himself(appears to be in mid-teens)
Eye Color: Crimson
Hair Color: Indigo/Dark Purple
Hight: 5 ft. 10.
Weight: 150 lbs.
Appearance: Slender and lightly muscled with pail skin.
A black scar-looking mark on the back of his right hand and another
behind his right ear to his jaw. A jet black tail mesureing at 4 ft. 2in.
it jags downward at the tip, and is about an 1 1/2 in. everywhere but near
the base where it thickens to 2 1/2 in. He appears to be around sixteen years old,
it is unknown to all but himself if he is actually older than this or not.
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Personality: Nebulis, is mostly a silent being, and usually does not openly convers with others unless he has motive.
He generaly only prefers the company of people he knows, or those who embody darkness.
He despises humans, and all things born of the light.
Appearing calm and observant at all times one would guess him to be quite intelligent, but the extent of this is unknown. He has shone no emotion for many years and little concern for those who are very close to him. Mostly he cares for nothing and no one, he is ruthless to his enemy showing them neither mercy nor pity. Always has he enjoyed fighting with oher dark beings and other powerful opponents; few times has Nebulis been beaten in battle, and when these occasions come around he finds defeat more fulfilling than victory,
in so he gaints objective in his mind. Due to his sense of pride, he prefers one on one duels, where he believes true strength is shown. Ultimately he believes there is no power in numbers.

Mother: Long since deseised.
Father: Long since deseised.
Brother: God of Kaos; Atrocity is the name of Nebulis' older brother.
He is believed to still be alive, but he has not been seen in many years.
Sister: Sakaraconx is Nebulis' younger sister, unlike him she is human.
Nebulis brought her back to life a few years ago.
Doughter: Kreia is the only offspring Nebulis has, she is still young at the age
of ten. Kreia is never far from Nebulis, no matter where he ventures.
Kreia's mother was a dragon in a humanoid form, though she and Nebulis seperated soon after Kreia was born.

Abilities: Nebulis is able harness shadows, and even darkness as a natural extension of himself. This ability ranges from anything such as manifesting either into a physical state, to warping them down to there purest form, able to bend the fabric of reality & dimensional space, this however has proven to be a quite unstable technique in his human form, and must muster all of his ability to do so. He is a harvester of souls, able to pull the soul from the body of an individual with out any physical gesture, and also passively gathers the wandering souls of any that wander within half a mile around him. Nebulis feeds off the astral energy of souls to sustain his own being, he himself is without a soul. Finally haveing been around so long, Nebulis has studied and mastered most of the magical art based around The Nine Principles, he is adept in, Fire, Water, Stone, Wind, Shadow, Necromancy, Cronomancy, and Ruinic. The principle of Light however, is far out of his reach.

Even so, Nebulis rarely ever chooses to use magica in any form.


-Sword of Nought:
Blade length: 4 ft. 2 in.
Blade is composed of pure uru and weigh's only 7 lbs.
The hilt is made of a rare mixture of uru, and obsidien, makeing it golden-black.
It is said to be unbreakable.

-Shadow Armor:
The armor is created from his own shadow, he soon started to do this after he
came to realise that if he could make a cloak why not go for something with a little more protection?


I seldom speak of 'My' past. It is something that I am not quite fond of... for many
reasons. But I will tell you a few things about my self. And how I began to be
the creature you have come to know.

I was mortal once, like many more before me. A thought I now detest, for reasons I will soon explain. I cannot remember the details of my human life, or death. Whenever I search though long forgotten thoughts, only the face of a young girl I do not know surfaces... Far back as I can remember I had been in service of a holy order of the Angels. Not log after my, 'ascension' I found my self in a great battle. All know the tales and stories... The Eternal Battle of Light and Darkness. Some call them fables, legends or myths. A war of epic proportions, viewed as a mapping of history both grand and elegant. But I assure you there is no such beauty in this battle. Only the scale of chaos and destruction, constantly tipping in favor of one side or the other. And neither virtue nor malevolence last for long, only the ever consistent toll of death and discord are sure to be present at all times... and should each hold to their never changing ways, shall it remain so, for all time. I first came to realize this at the worst of moments, when myself, along with many of my closest friends and allies were engaged in combat. The protagonist... god... it was none other than that which orchestrated and drew upon each and every event which one could associate with negative thought. More than a god or devil, yet nothing at all. Bare with me, for this entity, was nothing as we, or I could have possibly imagined it to be... Picture if you will, a vast and formless infinite nothing, yet it seemed to be aware, and sentient. None could conceive of how to combat such a force, but all could only rely on what they new, and pray for divine aid. Before us..., shadows spread out like rivers of ink, devouring the sky. We all watch as one by one all attempts to stop this force fail, and our allies fade into the dark nothingness. As I said before... my faith had faltered, seeing those closest to me robbed of all that they are, I could do nothing but let the growing anger and realization of how futile our efforts were begin to consume me. We found no aid in that which we swore by, and had upheld with righteous conviction all our lives. As these twisted shadows spread and consumed, our light was nowhere to be found, presumably too smouthered and choked out. Unable to stand the pressure, both inward and out, I cried and a desperate flurry of every known emotion, and summoned all that I am, and much, much more... Then I charged into the darkness. Before I realized what had happened, an unsteady calm grew upon the battle field, the darkness receded, and I lost it all...

I was overcome by a dark possesion one I could hardly control.
Allys and friends alike would never see me the same, they, obolished the very sight of me!
For my transgression, I earned a new kind of reward... agony.

There was only one possible outcome - my eternal damnation.

I, Nebulis, was to suffer the fate of traitors and heithens - to burn forever in the
bowels of the Lake of the Dead.

Tumbling, burning with white-hot fire, I plunged into the depths of the abyss.
Unspeakable pain... relentless agony... ... time ceased to exist... ... only this
torture... and a deepening hatred of the hypocrisy that damned me to this hell.

An eternity passed, and my torment receded, bringing me back from the precipice
of madness.

The descent had destroyed me... and yet I lived.
When I awoke I knew I did not survive the abyss.

I was something much less than what I am now.

Regardless I was confused, had I only been spared from total dissolution.
I would choose oblivion over this existence! I was destroyed.

I soon found that my weakness had no need to be a permenent burden.

I was changed.

My hunger had been replaced by a deeper need - I had become a devourer of souls.
To sustain my strength, I must hunt the lost spirits of the Underworld, and consume the souls of my enemies.

And with my condition, my appearance enemies were made all to fast.

Everywhere I was hunted, and hated.
Over years I slowly began to retain my old form, with a few acceptions, my eyes glew red with the fury and hate that I had shown upon seeing the death of my friend, my skin as pail as the glow from the moon, and my hair was as violet as a celestial nebula.

I took up a vowe to take up retribution against those who had me condemmed to madness.

~Other things~

The Possessing spirit: The first and true Nebulis, it claims to be the source and embodiment of all that is evil. The First is an incorporeal entity that can assume the form of any person who has died, including vampires and dead persons who have been resurrected. For technical purposes, the First is neither male, female, demon, nor god; it is a "power". The First is older than demons, even the Old Ones, who themselves existed long before the first humans; it is older than the written word, the Big Bang and transcends all realities and dimensions; it is older than any other evil being and may even be the very first entity ever to have existed. It is said that the First lurked in the darkness long before the universe was even created and shall remain long after the universe ends. Few have heard of it, and even fewer believe in it's existence.

The entity cannot affect the world on a physical level, and it's only weakness is that it is non-corporeal, and can therefore not do real physical damage. It is however, an expert at psychological manipulation, and can act through it's servants, such as Areiel (the current Nebulis), or whatever person it can manage to trick. It's power lies in it's ability to deceive, torment, and manipulate others. It can take the form of anyone who has died, (or as an enormous, phantasmic demon with large horns), and it can choose to be seen and heard by just one person or by multiple people. The First has a deep understanding of human nature and it uses this knowledge to drive others to madness, murder and/or suicide.

The First made it's initial appearance to the arch-angel Areiel, who it drove to the point of madness by reminding him of his "true" nature (Angelus) and it set about doing this by appearing to him as some of his victims. After the angel's fall, it tells Areiel that it is responsible for his return from Hell, a claim that remains unconfirmed, and that Areiel can end his sufferings by turning evil again. Areiel, choose to kill himself rather than be subjugated to the will of an evil. The first however, had plans for the angel beyond death, and spared him oblivion, offering him instead, a new kind of life... as Nebulis.


Name: Kreia
Age: Ten years
Gender: Female
Race: Unknown

Personality: She is calm an nearly always as emotionless as she is quiet, to most she seams very bleak and hollow. Under this, she is very intelligent and very persuasive, this usually allows her to get what ever she wants from people. However around friend she is almost a whole other person, almost like that of a typical child, but still retains a few of her more reluctant traits. Along with this she can also be very perverted, despite her age, and severe lack of knowledge about sexuality.

History: Her origins and past are a complete mystery to everyone. Very little is known about her and where she had come from, though it is speculated that she is somehow acquainted with the being Nebulis, as she can usually be found near him, almost always unseen but lurking about somewhere. Though she is almost never seen at night for unknown reasons.

Weapons: No visible weapons.

Appearance: Simple and common build for her age, she seems to be nothing more than a normal ten year-old girl, save for her unusual hair and eye color. Like any young girl she is small and fairly fragile.

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