As the headline says, I'm posting because I havn't for a while. On thursday at karate my shin had a rather unfortunate and painful collision with someone's elbow, it went a little swollen, and now it's rather bruised. (the collision was low on my shin, near the ankle.) I was in a semi-depressed and really masochistic mood last night, so I took a very cold screw-driver, and pressed it length-wise into the bruise, rather hard. Damn, it felt good... and then the screwdriver started to warm up and it stopped hurting as much, so I gave up and went back to the pc for a while. Then the damn thing screwed up. So I went and watched TV for a while. Interesting movie involving a serial killer and an airplane was on, so I wathced that, even though I have actually seen it before. After the movie was over I desended fully into fanfiction-deprivation again, and started pressing my nails into my wrists. Couldn't feel it enough though, so I pressed my fingers really hard into the bruise on my leg. That was so nice. Made me feel lots better. So then I went to bed. I've recently become addicted to Fruits Basket, even though I've only read the first two, I've read a heap of fanfics already. ^_^ I can really relate to both Yuki and Kyo, but Kyo most of all. I can seriously empathize with him. And Yuki and Kyo would make such a good couple. I'm not the only one to think so, either. What kind of fanfics to you think I've been reading? xd I'm going to get my hands on more of the manga's one way or another. 3nodding I need hot chocolate... and I'm in the middle of another 'I hate dad and my step mom' bouts. It's not good for me to feel like that and not vent it, it eats me up inside. But I have nowhere to vent it. So I'm going to press sharp nail files into the scar on my foot again in a minute. But first, hot chocolate. ^_^ mmm... hot chocolate...
*reads this entry again* Damn, I just realized, if anyone reads this, they're going to classify it as attention seeking. Well, to clear that up, I don't want anyone to read this, so it isn't attention seeking, and go away. And I always damadge marks that I already have, so there. And if you say that I'm putting it on the net, obviously I want someone to see it, your wrong. I'm putting it on the net because I don't want my family to find a real journal, and they don't know I have one online. And they're not going to. Glad I've cleared that up. ^_^
Ouch, my back hurts. It's really out of whack again... *feels spine* Ack! That doesn't feel normal. I need to get this checked out... but I really don't want to cause any trouble. I havn't even asked mum to masage it for me, she shouldn't have to. She's always doing stuff. And yes, reading and sleeping counts as doing stuff. So, anyway. End of entry.
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ShadowedMoonlight's Journal
My life, my thoughts, my opinions. What you would usually get in a journal.