WARNING: if you don't want to read all that goobly gook... I suppose you can start at Art History... and just tell me what you think... whatever...
So I'm going to be a senior in September, a lovely month, beginning of autumn, you know the one. However, I am rather stressed out about it considering there are only eight slots to fill for classes, all of mine are full, and I'm a whole whopping half credit short of graduating, now that's if I pass all of those eight courses. [actually it's eleven courses some run only a half year thus I have the other half with another course I'm sure you get it, we are mostly students here no? and if not we were at one time or another] Alas, this does not mean I shall not graduate. There are several options I can choose, the only one of which appeals to me is taking upon myself an independant study, or a class for which I have no class, but I do have homework and such. [I don't really need to explain everything do I? You're smart people]
What I'm getting at is this. I am stressed. Not only do I have to pass eleven courses I have to take upon myself in my own free time, yet another dreded twelfth course, and pass.
There is hope yet! I, being the clever young gal I am, and modest, have decided I shall propose my independant study to my guidance counselor asap. So here it is, tell me if it's any good.
Art is in my blood, I love, live, and thrive on the vision, the creation of beauty.
History, I dred history. I just can't think in such a way, it seems so drab.
However, I have decided to combine the two and perhaps create something spectacular. [plus I figured it might give me a leg up in college, considering I know as a first year it is manditory to take art history, and better yet, it may help influence and inspire my own art]
Art History:
Throughout this course I will study artists of all sorts from all across the globe, most likely chosen at random off of a list, either predetermined or privatly found.
I will write [x amount of] essays. [done either by time ei. one every week, two weeks or done by artist ei one per artist] These essays will include: -why I chose said artist, and how they appeal to me [personal opinion blah blah I may not do this... but it's hard not to when I write] -a brief history of the artist, meaning their home life, birth death and such. -the category of art they most often fall under -refference to their pieces and how their life influenced such -refference to their pieces and how their pieces influenced people and/or art in that time period AND it's impact on art today, if any.
That is not all, there has to be some sort of final, or midterm considering it's only a half year or half credit independant study. So... for my final I figured I would write a final essay, or maybe if possible a final presentation or project of some sort choosing either a.) one specific time period or b.) one specific location.
A.) Time Period -I would take all [or rather a large selection of] artists from one time period and tell how each impacted art in such a time and furthermore how their art influenced/impacted the art of today
B.) Location -I would take all [or rather a large selection of] artists from one area of the world and compare and contrast them as well as tell how they impacted and influenced art throughout time up until today
ButtMuffin · Mon Jul 16, 2007 @ 02:51am · 0 Comments |