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*insert awsome name here* xD
Natalie ...: heya!
Hamim Sultana: YAAAAAAAAY!
Hamim Sultana: whend did u come on?
Natalie ...: just right now
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: oh okies
Hamim Sultana: all this time i was talking to my OTHER friend mary. it's a new mary. ok that's not her name. but i forgot hot to spell it, and she knows i'll forget and stuff so she says i can just call her mary
Hamim Sultana: i told her about u
Natalie ...: yaaaaayyyy
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehehe i love talking to her
Hamim Sultana: it's fun. lalalla
Hamim Sultana: and omg!
Natalie ...: i feel spaaaaaaaaaccccciiiiaaaaalllll ^.^
Hamim Sultana: we have a lot of things in common
Hamim Sultana: shut up
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: ur not that special
Hamim Sultana: no anyways
Natalie ...: awwww
Hamim Sultana: now*
Hamim Sultana:
Natalie ...: ~walks away sulking~
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: she and i both love thunderstorms. and we both love listneing to soundtracks. and instrumental music
Hamim Sultana: and we're both harry potter fans
Hamim Sultana: we listne to varities of singers
Hamim Sultana: and she also loves fruits basket
Hamim Sultana: and some other stuff
Hamim Sultana: heheheh
Hamim Sultana: OH!
Hamim Sultana: she loves video games
Natalie ...: someone imed me
Natalie ...: .....
Hamim Sultana: jack int he box?
Natalie ...: Aaaaahhh~
Hamim Sultana: flirt with him
Hamim Sultana: jk jk
Natalie ...: don't JINX IT!
Hamim Sultana: do u want me to creat another yahoo account and tell him im ur bf max? xD
Natalie ...: hahahaha XD
Natalie ...: SURE!
Natalie ...: but wait
Natalie ...: i don't think it's him
Hamim Sultana: oh ok
Hamim Sultana: oh danr, it would have been fun
Hamim Sultana: but if they bother u, tell me, ur bf max ok/ haha
Natalie ...: he's like "i don't remember u. who are u?"
Natalie ...: and im like "sorry but i don't remember u either XD"
Hamim Sultana: are they from youtube?>
Hamim Sultana: lol that always happened ot me before
Hamim Sultana: still happens sometime, but not often
Natalie ...: no idk
Natalie ...: but im going to lie about my name and almost everything
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: ok i said im 16
Natalie ...: my name is naida
Natalie ...: and im from cali
Natalie ...: i didn't change that
Hamim Sultana: and ur best friend is hamim
Natalie ...: hehe okies!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Natalie ...: duh!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: of course!
Hamim Sultana: but tell him that ur best friend doesnt like u
Hamim Sultana: oh and i downloaded the first chapter of othello didnt get a chance to read it. sorry n_n;; my sis was being a chicken
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: it's ok!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: and the rest of the guys too
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: and i get the chicken ont he table
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: k
Natalie ...: deal
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: okies!
Hamim Sultana: duma!
Natalie ...: i think this dude wants to hook up with me
Natalie ...: XDDDDD
Hamim Sultana: ahahahahahah!
Hamim Sultana: say u have a bf named max already
Natalie ...: ok lol
Natalie ...: he's asking me for advice on how to get a girl
Natalie ...: and im like O.o????
Hamim Sultana: tell her ur not a guy xD
Hamim Sultana: and and and yeah
Hamim Sultana: ur not good with advice
Hamim Sultana: do u wanna give advice>
Natalie ...: not really XD
Natalie ...: haha
Hamim Sultana: haha tell him i like turning ppl into frogs.
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: aww this guy is actually kinda sweet
Hamim Sultana: aww HEY!
Hamim Sultana: remember u have a bf named max!
Hamim Sultana: oh and im on chapt three in ToL
Natalie ...: oh okies
Natalie ...: omg im giving him advice and im good!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: i alost misread it as, "Im giving divorce and im good"
Natalie ...: hahaha XD
Natalie ...: no no
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: look what i wrote: Natalie ...: everyone is their own person and should be treated equally
Natalie ...: appearance is just a distraction to who a person truly is
Natalie ...: and finding those factors and appreciating them and accepting them
Natalie ...: that's what love is about
Natalie ...: and if u can't find someone who appreciate u and accepts u for who u are
Natalie ...: then they're not the right person for u
Natalie ...: mubassirzia: u mean when i talk to sum girl next tym i just have to be mee. dnt showoff dnt pretend to b sum1 m nt. yeah dats kewl and m gonna do exactly dat
Natalie ...: and don't sweat it if u don't find a girl right away
Natalie ...: u will in the future whether its tomorrow or next year or whenever
Natalie ...: u'll find someone
Natalie ...: omg im like ms. advice giver!
Natalie ...: haha
Hamim Sultana: shut up
Hamim Sultana: that's exactly what i told u b4
Hamim Sultana: hahaha
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: no wonder why u'll be good
Natalie ...: mm?
Hamim Sultana: u got help from the expert FIRST
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: i set a good example for my older siblings
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: yup u do
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: man.... it's been a long time since i last gave advice to someone
Natalie ...: i miss giving advice
Hamim Sultana: i miss bob
Hamim Sultana: wait, i dont know any bobs
Hamim Sultana: but i do miss ppl iming me and saying who am i
Hamim Sultana: and then i used to sya, idk, who are u?
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: yeah
Hamim Sultana: becaus ei used to go on the KOl chats
Hamim Sultana: and had a whole bunch of buddies
Natalie ...: same here!
Natalie ...: i haven't gone into any chatrooms ever since i think 8th grade or 7th grade
Natalie ...: i miss chatting with other ppl too
Hamim Sultana: for me...after 5th grade i guess
Hamim Sultana: me too!
Hamim Sultana: and i cant go on any chat rooms anymore ;(
Hamim Sultana: i liked the KOL chat rooms
Hamim Sultana: ppl were nicer there
Hamim Sultana: and i loved chatting withthe hosts
Hamim Sultana: me and my old online friend uhh...forgot her name...started with a g
Hamim Sultana: anywyas, she and i loved going there and bothere the hosts
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: yeah
Natalie ...: i kinda miss going in those chats with karebear and kyle
Natalie ...: we always went hyper
Hamim Sultana: we used to have a silly crush on Host Turtle
Natalie ...: and kyle was such a flirt
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: i sometimed acted lie a guy hahahaha
Hamim Sultana: like*
Hamim Sultana: just for the fun of it
Hamim Sultana: and i used to come up with crazy plans
Hamim Sultana: and also, i used to role play
Natalie ...: oh!!!!!!
Natalie ...: i loved role playing!!!!!!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: and me and some other kids were gonna roleplay as harry potter characters
Natalie ...: omg that's soooooo cool!
Hamim Sultana: and I was Harry Potter
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: haha
Hamim Sultana: lol
Natalie ...: hamim was the cuttie!
Natalie ...: haha
Hamim Sultana: i always started everything
Hamim Sultana: hehe yup yup
Hamim Sultana: and i had a crush on him too a HUGE one
Hamim Sultana: i like the actual harry potter more than Daniel radcliffe
Hamim Sultana: come to think of it, i sitll liek him xD
Natalie ...: ha! me too
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: oh and here this, the irony of one of the Harry Potter RPGs i did
Hamim Sultana: i was harry potter of course
Hamim Sultana: and this other guy was ron
Hamim Sultana: and another one was draco
Hamim Sultana: and i wa slike, ok, let's start the rp now
Hamim Sultana: and "ron" started beating me up
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: and i wa slike hey! ur supposed to be my besat friend!
Hamim Sultana: and they were like, "i know. but it's fun."
Hamim Sultana: and then draco strted helping me out xD
Natalie ...: hahaha
Natalie ...: weird
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: and then the host told us to stop
Natalie ...: haha man u had more fun with rpgs than i did
Hamim Sultana: i sure did!
Hamim Sultana: and i think a lot of the hosts liked me
Natalie ...: the only rpgs i did were when karen and i would go into chats with kyle or frankie or both
Hamim Sultana: i was like always in charge of the RPGs and i was kind and stuff, and out of the blue the host gave me a virtual candy cane and stuff liek that
Hamim Sultana: wow
Hamim Sultana: u should have me there
Hamim Sultana: i would have gone nuts
Hamim Sultana: and have a million ppl join
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: when karebear and i went into the chats with kyle we would like hang out in a pool
Natalie ...: or the jacuzzi
Natalie ...: and just relax
Hamim Sultana: lol
Natalie ...: and then out of no where kyle would splash us with water or push us into the pool or want to play tag
Natalie ...: and we would chase him around and stuff
Natalie ...: and i would flirt with him XD cause i had a crush on him at the time
Hamim Sultana: mine was more adventerous and excting i htink we also did htings like that. im not sure
Natalie ...: i also had a crush on frankie XD
Natalie ...: he was just soooo adorable! ^.^
Natalie ...: but he was i think 1 or 2 years younger than me XD
Natalie ...: but but but he was adorable!
Hamim Sultana: u told me
Natalie ...: i remember whenever we went into chats with him (by that time there was more ppl in that chats) i would just hug him out of no where
Natalie ...: and be like "TEDDY!"
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: and he would blush!
Natalie ...: ~squeels~
Natalie ...: he was just sooooo adorable!
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: brb
Hamim Sultana: okies
Natalie ...: ok back
Natalie ...: awww i miss frankie!
Natalie ...: ya know we haven't been on aol for soooo long
Natalie ...: kinda like me on msn
Natalie ...: but i was on it by accident yesterday lol
Hamim Sultana: i dont have AOL anymore
Hamim Sultana: i use AIM
Natalie ...: ooooh ok
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: i wanna go in the KOL chats!
Natalie ...: i don't have aol on my laptop but i still don't use it on the other comps.
Hamim Sultana: my first host was Host Sparrow
Natalie ...: jack sparrow?!
Natalie ...: I LOVE U!
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: jk
Natalie ...: i don't even remember my first host
Hamim Sultana: i still remember mine
Hamim Sultana: and whenevr isaw that host, i kept aksing him/her if they rmemeber me
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: and they usually said, "oh yes! i rmemeber you!"
Hamim Sultana: because someitmes someone else was there
Natalie ...: oooh ok
Natalie ...: i never really talked to the hosts
Natalie ...: but i pranked ppl XD
Hamim Sultana: haha. i did that a lot
Hamim Sultana: especially on karen
Hamim Sultana: burt she ws never good in doing that to me
Hamim Sultana: i used to make a whole bucnh of acocunts
Natalie ...: oh lol k
Natalie ...: OOOOH!H!!!!
Natalie ...: guess what?!!!!!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: what?
Hamim Sultana: u saw a butterfly?
Natalie ...: no XD lol
Natalie ...: i finished and posted my trailer for my "a mew discovery" fanfic yesterday!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Hamim Sultana: WOOHOOO!
Natalie ...: i don't really like how it turned out though but i loved the intro! ^.^ it' just so cute hehe
Hamim Sultana: U WITTLE GIRLY!
Hamim Sultana: SHOW IT!
Natalie ...: lol k
Hamim Sultana: *throws stones at u*
Natalie ...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JluFe6-cvM
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: ok hold on. let me get some chips
Natalie ...: XD hahaha
Natalie ...: ok
Hamim Sultana: now keep ur mouth shut while i watch
Natalie ...: XD ok
Hamim Sultana: AAHAHAHAHA
Hamim Sultana: out of all places it's china
Hamim Sultana: not shut up
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: I SAID SHUT UP!
Hamim Sultana: kids these days
Natalie ...: ....meow.... ~runs away~
Hamim Sultana: i didnt understand anyhting xD ahahah but it's nice
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i know
Natalie ...: it sucks haha i didn't know what to do
Natalie ...: i don't have photoshop so i couldn't edit pics
Hamim Sultana: no it doesnt. i thought it was good
Natalie ...: and i didn't have enough clips
Hamim Sultana: ur sis has it
Natalie ...: yeah but even though i have internet on my laptop now she shuts off her comp so i won't use it
Natalie ...: so i can't use it
Natalie ...: and since im using a laptop, the screen is smaller and i can't work as well on wmm because it takes up the whole screen and i can't see it properly
Natalie ...: it comes out fuzzy
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: chiiicka
Hamim Sultana: darn laptop
Hamim Sultana: trade ur laptop with ur sis's desktop
Natalie ...: XD haha i wish but i have all my stuff here and i don't want to leave it behind
Natalie ...: i rather ask and hope i get a desktop computer for xmas
Hamim Sultana: okies
Hamim Sultana: suit urself
Hamim Sultana: me and my pal keep sharing files xD
Hamim Sultana: i sent her sheena's theme
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: oh!
Natalie ...: i just remembered!
Hamim Sultana: u want it too
Hamim Sultana: hmm?
Natalie ...: my dad's comp has wmm too!
Natalie ...: and his comp. is a desktop!
Hamim Sultana: good good
Natalie ...: i can send my clips to my email and upload them on his comp and make my trailers there!
Natalie ...: woo!
Natalie ...: it's perfect! perfect! perfect i tell u!
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: ok well not i know for when i make my dbsk trailer
Hamim Sultana: hehe yup yup! hehe
Hamim Sultana: and hopefully that one will come out he way u want it
Hamim Sultana: to
Hamim Sultana: do u want me to send u sheena's theme?
Hamim Sultana: mary really liked it. i love it too. hehehe. and now for u
Natalie ...: sure!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Hamim Sultana: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! jack in the box PMed me. im not gonna reply
Hamim Sultana: im just gonna ignore it
Hamim Sultana: i never saw anything
Hamim Sultana: ok now fo rthe sending
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: where did he pm u?
Hamim Sultana: gaia
Natalie ...: i bet i know what it says though "does nat hate me? she's ignoring me. i can feel it."
Natalie ...: XDDDDD
Hamim Sultana: i figured,
Hamim Sultana: wait huh?
Hamim Sultana: no it says hey hamim what's up?
Hamim Sultana: accept!
Natalie ...: sorry i was helping my mom wrap a cloth on her leg cause it hurts
Hamim Sultana: hehe it's ok
Hamim Sultana: ooooh
Hamim Sultana: lookie, it's going fast
Hamim Sultana: it's short so yeaaaaahhhh
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: hey....
Hamim Sultana: yaaay!
Hamim Sultana: it's done!
Hamim Sultana: lol
Natalie ...: maybe its also going faster cause i cleaned out my comp.
Hamim Sultana: that was fast
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha
Natalie ...: from a lot fo junk
Hamim Sultana: maybe
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: and it's also shorter
Hamim Sultana: haha
Natalie ...: hehe k'
Natalie ...: oooooooohhhh i like it!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Natalie ...: it's the flute!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: i love the flute!
Natalie ...: its very harmonious (is that even a word? O.o? idk.... i think so.... maybe.... idk.... XD)
Hamim Sultana: i think it is
Hamim Sultana: hehehe i lvoe the her theme
Hamim Sultana: it sort of makes me wanna cry
Hamim Sultana: because of everything she has been through
Hamim Sultana: and the game is emotional too
Natalie ...: DON'T TELL ME!
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i still don't have it lol
Natalie ...: but yeah it kinda has a sad tone to it
Natalie ...: it's calm though
Natalie ...: i like it
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: im not telling u anyhitng else. hehe
Hamim Sultana: chicka
Hamim Sultana: yup yup
Hamim Sultana: i love
Hamim Sultana: it8
Hamim Sultana: it*
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehehe. i dont remember everyone's theme, btu i think i liked sheena's theme the bets out of all of them
Natalie ...: oh! i can add it to my "Tale games" folder
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: i have the theme for tales of the abyss
Natalie ...: and ive used it in my chats
Hamim Sultana: hehe cool. ^-^
Hamim Sultana: u can use this as well
Natalie ...: yup! ^.^
Hamim Sultana: chicken!
Natalie ...: lala!
Hamim Sultana: oh! i also wanna share this other file
Hamim Sultana: u better accept
Natalie ...: okies
Natalie ...: omg XD hahaha
Natalie ...: the tattoo lady on gaia is named Natasha XDDDDD
Hamim Sultana: ....so?
Hamim Sultana: u know someone named natasha?
Natalie ...: she's creeoy looking XD
Natalie ...: no but natasha is another way to say my name
Natalie ...: my mom sometimes (not that often, very rarely) calls me that when she's mad
Hamim Sultana: haha, i hate htta name, no offence xD
Hamim Sultana: oh! and do u like the new file?
Natalie ...: oh i haven't heard it yet wait up
Natalie ...: i don't like natasha either though
Natalie ...: my name is natalie thank god for that
Natalie ...: i wouldn't want any other version of the name lol
Natalie ...: they're all ew
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: if ur name was natasha...i would ONLY call u by nickname, haha
Natalie ...: XD haha
Natalie ...: oh oh oh i fed and played with ur knuffle!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Natalie ...: knuffel**
Hamim Sultana: yaaay! thanks!
Hamim Sultana: FINALLY ppl shows some love for the scrawny little hting
Natalie ...: hehe no probs!
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: i gave it food like more than 10 times XD
Natalie ...: haha
Hamim Sultana: hahaha. lol
Hamim Sultana: the reason it's like that is probably because it's free
Natalie ...: oh lol k
Hamim Sultana: oooh! and uhh, i want to get a silky slime...but i dunno what ot name it
Hamim Sultana: slimy? xD
Hamim Sultana: MinMin?
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: that's what i call max at times
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: idk
Natalie ...: oooohhh i love the song!
Hamim Sultana: hehe yaaay!
Natalie ...: its soooo relaxful and calm and soothing and pretty and and and kinda sad but happy idk how to explain but its very calm
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: peaceful!
Natalie ...: that's what it is!
Natalie ...: peaceful!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Natalie ...: i love it
Hamim Sultana: i understand. hehehe
Hamim Sultana: the ToS soundtracks are all reminding me of the game
Hamim Sultana: wlel of course since ti's fromt he game
Hamim Sultana: but i rmemeber how i used to play it alot. i ahven,t for awhile now. i shall go back and play again
Natalie ...: i should play some of my games too
Hamim Sultana: like ht eone im listneing to is the music they play during the battle against ____
Natalie ...: that reminds me
Natalie ...: alex hasn't given me my game back yet! >_<
Hamim Sultana: KH?
Natalie ...: yeah
Hamim Sultana: why not ask him for it?
Natalie ...: he lives like 2 hours away from here
Natalie ...: so its a hassle for him to bring it
Natalie ...: he forgot to bring it last time he was over
Natalie ...: and he didn't come over on 4th of july
Hamim Sultana: awww, make sure he brings it the next time!
Hamim Sultana: or beat him to a pulp!
Natalie ...: hahaha i will
Natalie ...: u said u wanted to talk to him?
Natalie ...: u should message him on myspace
Natalie ...: he'll answer most likely
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: no. lol. i dont wanna talk like that
Hamim Sultana: forget it. haha. i wont have anyhting to talk about
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: both are anime lovers and game lovers
Hamim Sultana: really?
Natalie ...: yeah
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehehe, nah, im too random and crazy
Hamim Sultana: wanna hear Zelos's theme? it's all...cheery xD
Natalie ...: XDDDDD
Hamim Sultana: while Sheena's is the opposite, her's sounds a bit tragic and sad...and lonely, but still beautiful
Hamim Sultana: lol i even downloaded the battle themes
Hamim Sultana: it makes me feel like im fighting <_<
Natalie ...: XDhahaha
Hamim Sultana: no im serious. lol. i fight a LOT in ToS, im so used to it, that i feel like im fightihng whenevr i hear it
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: that's weird but cool
Natalie ...: when i make my trailers and fanfic, i picture myself doing the fighting sceens
Natalie ...: and u know what i even do something?
Natalie ...: if im all alone and no one is watching XD
Hamim Sultana: u try it?
Natalie ...: i actually act out the fighting sceens
Natalie ...: ahaha XD
Hamim Sultana: hehe
Hamim Sultana: i figured
Natalie ...: XDDDDD
Hamim Sultana: zelos's theme reminds me of one of the background music from Mario Party 3.
Natalie ...: lol really?
Natalie ...: XD haha wierd but cool
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: idk if the characters from tota have themes
Natalie ...: they probably do i just haven't noticed it
Hamim Sultana: haha, i always notice the themes
Hamim Sultana: i love character themes
Hamim Sultana: int he game, if there's a cutscene about a particular person, i dont do anyhitng and leave just to listen to it.lol
Hamim Sultana: u can delete his after u listen to it if u like. xD
Natalie ...: lol k
Hamim Sultana: lol, im like sending u all the trackls xD
Natalie ...: that ok
Hamim Sultana: omg...Kratos's theme sounds...>*shivers* ahahaha
Natalie ...: the more music the better! ^.^
Hamim Sultana: sounds liek the army
Natalie ...: XDDDDD
Hamim Sultana: lol
Natalie ...: omg hahaha zelos theme DOES sound like one from mario games XD
Hamim Sultana: ahahhaa
Natalie ...: it makes me wanna dance
Hamim Sultana: see?
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: same here
Hamim Sultana: it's liek alll...idk, u get it right?
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha, it sounds dance-ish
Hamim Sultana: or dancy
Hamim Sultana: and Kratos's....xD
Hamim Sultana: sounds like a tragic farewell, or u just met someone...u've been alive for too long in lonliness or somehting. xD
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: omg!
Hamim Sultana: where's raine's theme? i knew i downloaded it
Natalie ...: i just went to karin's myspace
Hamim Sultana: u'll need these
Hamim Sultana: uh huh
Hamim Sultana: she likes max too?
Natalie ...: to leave her a comment about her quince
Natalie ...: and she has the song "one wish" by ray j
Natalie ...: and it reminded me of this one girl's brother!
Hamim Sultana: uh huh
Natalie ...: i found him really really cute
Natalie ...: but i didn't wanna go out with him
Natalie ...: but he was so adorable and was always trying to flirt with me
Natalie ...: and this one time when i was talking to him
Natalie ...: that song came up
Natalie ...: and i started singing to the lyrics and i was telling him about it and singning it
Natalie ...: and all of a sudden he said (i still remember is exact words) "you know what my wish is? you"
Natalie ...: and afterwards he said he had to go and left without letting me say anything
Natalie ...: awww it was so cute!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Hamim Sultana: hehehe cuuute
Hamim Sultana: la
Hamim Sultana: chicken
Hamim Sultana: *sneaks max away*
Hamim Sultana: im sure u'll be happy with him
Natalie ...: no lol
Natalie ...: i don't talk to him anymore
Natalie ...: his sister was a freak
Natalie ...: XDDDDD
Hamim Sultana: xD
Hamim Sultana: hahaha
Hamim Sultana: the music makes me wanna cry
Natalie ...: idk y but i blocked her (my friend joanna did too because we were both her friends)
Natalie ...: i remember she just started to be mean to us
Natalie ...: and she would yell at me for no reason
Natalie ...: one time there was a reason though
Natalie ...: she got mad at me because i wouldnt go out with her brother
Natalie ...: but i was like O.o?" u actually want me to go out with him?"
Hamim Sultana: o_O
Hamim Sultana: it's ur choice
Natalie ...: i know
Natalie ...: and one time she said i made him cry because i wouldn't go out with him
Natalie ...: and i said i was sorry that i didn't mean to make him feel bad
Natalie ...: it's not that i don't like it it's just that i like someone else
Natalie ...: and she just kept yelling at me and signed off
Natalie ...: and i felt really bad
Natalie ...: and then the next day she's all happy happy joy joy "sorry i went crazy on u yesterday. lets chat and have fun! ^.^"
Natalie ...: and i just got freaked out by her weird mood swings XD
Natalie ...: so joanna and i blocked her
Natalie ...: XDDDD
Hamim Sultana: sorta reminds me of me xD
Hamim Sultana: haha
Hamim Sultana: omg! the music. I never heard this before. or have iiiiii?
Natalie ...: no lol u don't have mood swings. u have personality swings XD
Hamim Sultana: im deleting it since it sounds odd xD
Hamim Sultana: oh ok. chaka
Hamim Sultana: good
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: but urs is fun!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Natalie ...: hers was creepy >_
Natalie ...: >
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: hahaha
Hamim Sultana: woohooo!
Hamim Sultana: OMG! i love the music! it's so sad but i sitll love it! xD
Hamim Sultana: LISTEN!
Natalie ...: which one?
Hamim Sultana: u'll need it for future trailers!
Hamim Sultana: xD
Natalie ...: XD haha ok
Hamim Sultana: oh! u may also need the instrumental version of the opening. ahhh! i wanna send u so many things. im so generous
Natalie ...: while i download it i wanna tell u alll about the attack of genisis XD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: okies!
Hamim Sultana: genisis?
Natalie ...: that was the girl's name
Hamim Sultana: ooh okies
Hamim Sultana: go on go on
Natalie ...: after i blocked her, about like 3 or so months later, she made a new account and imed me
Hamim Sultana: in return ur gonna download the music. it's ok right? do u have space in ur comp?
Natalie ...: and i was like O.O "crap. she's talking me now" XD
Natalie ...: yup yup i do
Hamim Sultana: hahahaha
Natalie ...: stalking**
Hamim Sultana: lol, i did that to karen all the time
Hamim Sultana: go on
Natalie ...: anyways
Natalie ...: she started to talk to me and she appologised and all
Hamim Sultana: haha
Natalie ...: so i decided y not give her a second chance
Hamim Sultana: meanwhile u listne to music! xD
Natalie ...: (i always give ppl second chances XD im too nice)
Hamim Sultana: no im nicer. i give them files xD ok go on
Natalie ...: and so i was like "sorry about ur brother. how is he doing?"
Hamim Sultana: he turned into kratos
Hamim Sultana: =O
Natalie ...: and she said "he has a gf now but i don't like her. u should have gone out with him instead"
Natalie ...: and i was like XDDDDDD "greeeeeeaaaaat. not this again!"
Natalie ...: XDDDDD
Hamim Sultana: hahahhaa
Natalie ...: and that's when i decided to make a new account
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: well actually i had 2 reasons to make the new account lol
Natalie ...: her and ryan (my ex ex bf XD)
Hamim Sultana: oh, it says Krato, hehe. my mistake. make sure to add an s later
Natalie ...: lol k
Hamim Sultana: ok
Natalie ...: her brother was sooooo hot and cute though
Natalie ...: !
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: but i didn't want to go out with him
Natalie ...: cause i liked frankie
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i kinda felt like a ***** though. haha, because he was younger than me by like 1 or 2 years
Natalie ...: so i was falling for someone younger than me
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: what does htat mena again? i rmeember hearing it b4
Natalie ...: but at least i wasn't like a 30 year older stalking a10 year old
Natalie ...: ew
Natalie ...: someone who loves kids
Natalie ...: its eww
Hamim Sultana: age has nothing to do with love nat!
Natalie ...: but i mean like idk
Natalie ...: its discusting
Hamim Sultana: max is 19 and im 14!
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: jk jk xD
Natalie ...: XDDDD
Natalie ...: i know age has nothing to do with it lol
Hamim Sultana: no wait, heechul is like 23 and im 14...and we're engaged...SHUT UP nat!
Hamim Sultana: ok go on
Natalie ...: but still... i feel weird when a guy likes someone whos older than them or visa versa
Natalie ...: i rather have it that the guy is older
Natalie ...: not the girl
Hamim Sultana: haha smae here
Hamim Sultana: same8
Hamim Sultana: it's odd whent he girl is older
Natalie ...: lol yeah
Natalie ...: like my mom
Natalie ...: she's i think 6 years younger than my dad
Hamim Sultana: O_O
Hamim Sultana: it's vise versa for my parents
Hamim Sultana: haha
Hamim Sultana: ur dad should marry my mom
Hamim Sultana: and then we'll have a happy family
Hamim Sultana: jk jk xD i kid i kid
Hamim Sultana: i was kidding! xD
Hamim Sultana: how many more chins do u want?
Hamim Sultana: or mouth....more like chin to me
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: idk
Natalie ...: its just expressing how big my moth got i guess
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: idk
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: okies lets go on with the story then
Hamim Sultana: and did u listen to the musicsssssss........sfl bvwa3yrw sc?
Natalie ...: yesh!
Natalie ...: they were both a little sad
Natalie ...: but kinda rmy like
Natalie ...: army
Natalie ...: *
Natalie ...: idk
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: kratos's is more army like
Hamim Sultana: the other one was deep forest right?
Hamim Sultana: do u wanna hear the theme of forgotten city? also sad... Lloyd's theme is sorta....noble-ish xD
Hamim Sultana: kind of boy-ish and humble like. and and and yeah
Natalie ...: XD haha
Natalie ...: okies
Hamim Sultana: M,WAHAHAH! feel the pain of hamim!
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: y did it stop?
Hamim Sultana: ........../....dot dot dot dot
Hamim Sultana: idkj
Hamim Sultana: let me try again
Natalie ...: ok idk y it doesn't want to download
Hamim Sultana: NOW!
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: GIVE ME!
Natalie ...: xkittiexkatx@sbcglobal.net
Hamim Sultana: good girl
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: lloyd's is like a humble and loyal...young knight
Hamim Sultana: mwahahaha
Hamim Sultana: ur gonna get a lot of new files today
Natalie ...: lol k
Hamim Sultana: hehehehehhee
Hamim Sultana: i like music
Hamim Sultana: u like music? yes yes!
Hamim Sultana: preeeeetty music
Natalie ...: yesh!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: music is my life!
Hamim Sultana: yup yup! and instrumental ones!
Natalie ...: yeah!
Hamim Sultana: how is it?
Hamim Sultana: and did u gett he mail?
Hamim Sultana: C biggrin ocuments and SettingsOwnerShared27 - Warmth.mp3 CLIKY!
Hamim Sultana: clicky*
Natalie ...: click?
Natalie ...: ican't click it
Hamim Sultana: ....oops xD
Hamim Sultana: ahahahah
Natalie ...: ooooohhh i love this song!
Hamim Sultana: wrong one!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Hamim Sultana: ahahahaha
Natalie ...: its soooo lovely!
Hamim Sultana: which one?
Natalie ...: the one u sent me through mail
Hamim Sultana: oooh! me too! i have the actual song. the full version, witht he electril guiter solo O_O want it?
Natalie ...: yesh!
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: OKIES!
Hamim Sultana: im addicted tot he song
Natalie ...: i love guitars hehe
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: rmemeber the picture i showed with max kissing a girl? well it wasnt max....i already told u. and u didnt look at it, u were afraid.
Hamim Sultana: wtf o.o that's joo ji hoon and yoon eun hye from the drama 'goong'
Hamim Sultana: that's the reply someone gave me xD
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: omg
Hamim Sultana: hahah lol. oh and uhh the thing
Hamim Sultana: what about lloyd's?
Hamim Sultana: i love the music.... http://www.geocities.com/anime_unloved/song_of_night.mid
Natalie ...: i love them all!
Hamim Sultana: ahaha me too
Hamim Sultana: and the link i just sent u
Natalie ...: i can use them for chats! weeeee
Hamim Sultana: try forwarding it on WMP
Hamim Sultana: it sounds happy and cheery and hyper rather than relaxing
Hamim Sultana: heheh yaaay! see? they come in handy
Natalie ...: lol okies
Hamim Sultana: full version
Natalie ...: it's pretty!
Hamim Sultana: hehe yup yup.
Hamim Sultana: this is taking longer since it's a longer song ehehehe
Hamim Sultana: 4 minutes
Natalie ...: I LOVE THE SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Natalie ...: ^.^
Hamim Sultana: hewheheh me too. before i had my ipod i used to always go on youtube just to listen to it
Natalie ...: hehe yup!
Natalie ...: im commenting on ur amvs again!
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: sry! i was in the bathroom. the monthly attack for girls is evil i tell u! EVIL!!!
Hamim Sultana: hehe really? thanks!
Hamim Sultana: that explain all the mail from youtube
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: brb
Natalie ...: k'
Hamim Sultana: back
Hamim Sultana: it's no fair....i cant find a ....
Natalie ...: huh?
Hamim Sultana: pad xD
Natalie ...: oh XD
Natalie ...: i kinda figured
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: hahaha
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: duuuuuuuuuuude! do u have one? xD
Natalie ...: XD um.... yesh
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: ~send it thorugh email~
Natalie ...: there u go
Natalie ...: XD haha
Hamim Sultana: *prints it out*
Hamim Sultana: thanks!
Natalie ...: lol XD
Natalie ...: noprob!
Hamim Sultana: from now on, i can just scan myself and e-mail myself to u
Hamim Sultana: ooooh....and MORE FILES! MWAHAHAHAHAH!
Hamim Sultana: hehhe
Natalie ...: im going to have to go in a bit though
Hamim Sultana: attack of the files
Hamim Sultana: NOOOOOOOOO!
Hamim Sultana: why? where?
Natalie ...: i need to go to the store to buy something for karin for her quince
Hamim Sultana: will u come back?
Natalie ...: idk
Natalie ...: maybe
Hamim Sultana: u HAVE to
Hamim Sultana: and do u like hte music
Natalie ...: of course i do!!!!!
Hamim Sultana: no no no the one i snet u just now
Hamim Sultana: im so itchy all of a sudden
Natalie ...: oh i haven't heard it yet
Hamim Sultana: lol
Natalie ...: well gotta go k?
Natalie ...: talk to u later
Hamim Sultana: better come soon!
Natalie ... has signed out. (7/13/2007 8:05 PM)

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