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*insert awsome name here* xD
Tiessa Lewis: lol i am so sorry omg
Tiessa Lewis: i have such busy summers and i forget alot.
Tiessa Lewis:
Hamim Sultana: lol it's ok
Tiessa Lewis: i fell asleep lmao
Hamim Sultana: in return, u must do me a favor!
Tiessa Lewis: sure
Hamim Sultana: lol. u always did that b4 too
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehehe, i want u to tell me who's hottest
Tiessa Lewis: yea idk whats wrong wit me
Tiessa Lewis: ok
Hamim Sultana: xD im helping a friend with her survey
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha, but but but but
Hamim Sultana: u need more sleep, seriously
Tiessa Lewis: lol i like surveys
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: i dont fall asleep till lyk 5 am
Hamim Sultana: but i want u to know them a bit more before u vote
Tiessa Lewis: ok
Hamim Sultana: wow, my mom always bothers me
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: So, do you like fat guys with no money?
Hamim Sultana: because before she goes to work she's like, "i wanna see you eat in front of me! this is there and thats is ther el gbflu kja, aeawvrajbfsfbua HAMIM!"
Hamim Sultana: lol
Tiessa Lewis: what the crud
Tiessa Lewis: my mom gets on me about eatting too now
Tiessa Lewis: i starved my self for lyk 2 weeks
Hamim Sultana: ok, now for the MV, tell me who looks the hottest. and if i dont get the answer i want, im gonna make u watch more and make sure u choose the guy i want u to choose. but i wont tell u who he is xD
Tiessa Lewis: cause i thought i was fat
Tiessa Lewis: and i was a size 3...
Hamim Sultana: o.O
Tiessa Lewis: i dropped 2 sizes for starving mii self for 2 weeks
Tiessa Lewis: and now im a size 1-2
Hamim Sultana: i dont starve myself, i just have a tiny stomech, i take forveer to finish my food
Hamim Sultana: what the...DUDE! ur not fat!
Tiessa Lewis: and now idk i get full faster or dont rly wanna eat
Hamim Sultana: a little girl shouldn't do that!
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: im no little girl xD
Tiessa Lewis: my birthday is this monthh
Tiessa Lewis: you diddnt know that did yooh?
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: Arrr! Your booty shivers me timbers
Hamim Sultana: u never told me now did YOOH?
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: um
Tiessa Lewis: i thought you knew
Hamim Sultana: nope
Tiessa Lewis: you knew my birthday since we became friends lol
Hamim Sultana: did i? i must have got them mixed up xD
Hamim Sultana: i used to know another sam
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: well her name wasnt sam
Tiessa Lewis: my birthday is on the 29th
Hamim Sultana: her initials were
Hamim Sultana: wooow, my old classmate's bday is a day b4 urs
Tiessa Lewis: ;o lol
Hamim Sultana: haha
Tiessa Lewis: my cousin is after mine
Tiessa Lewis: and i have another cousin
Tiessa Lewis: before mine
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: july and auguest runs in the family
Tiessa Lewis: and somewhat libra
Tiessa Lewis:
Hamim Sultana: trying to get much votes, she's leaving it in MY hands
Hamim Sultana: and u know what that means!
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha
Hamim Sultana: bey! that message wasnt for u!
Tiessa Lewis: bring ittt
Hamim Sultana: ok
Tiessa Lewis: dude
Hamim Sultana: it's not working for me
Tiessa Lewis: oh dangg
Hamim Sultana: it's liek all blue
Hamim Sultana: the screen i mean
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: ohhh
Tiessa Lewis: your supposed to find words
Tiessa Lewis: i get ittt
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol
Tiessa Lewis: brb
Hamim Sultana: ok
Tiessa Lewis: back
Hamim Sultana: woooow
Tiessa Lewis: ?
Hamim Sultana: i had to use that word xD
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: OMG EW
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: OMG!
Tiessa Lewis: omgg
Hamim Sultana: they had thwe word "as*"
Tiessa Lewis: i diddnt even see
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: funni
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha
Tiessa Lewis: asea?
Tiessa Lewis: whats asea..
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: ;O
Hamim Sultana: NOOOOO!
Tiessa Lewis: YESSSSSSSSS!
Hamim Sultana: i was busy chatting wiht my friend xD
Tiessa Lewis: lol play again?
Tiessa Lewis: lalalalalala
Hamim Sultana: okies, but only if u watch the video. hhehehe
Hamim Sultana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDITeXObEjE
Hamim Sultana: it's the favor rmemeber?
Tiessa Lewis: ok
Tiessa Lewis: sure
Hamim Sultana: YESH!
Hamim Sultana: im gonna make sure he wins!
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: ok now watch it
Tiessa Lewis: i am
Tiessa Lewis: my gawd isnt he tired of punching that thing?
Tiessa Lewis: what the crud is he saying...
Hamim Sultana: u dont have to understand
Hamim Sultana: u only have to say who's the hottest xD
Hamim Sultana: but rmemeber! u say the name of the guy i dont want, and u watch another one and look at more pictures
Hamim Sultana: hehehehe
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: but let me know if im annoying u with it
Tiessa Lewis: i lyk the one u showed me yesterday
Tiessa Lewis: wit the wanted thingy
Tiessa Lewis: on it
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: i forgot his name
Tiessa Lewis: 0_o
Hamim Sultana: hahaha, u sitll gotta watch this
Hamim Sultana: hehehehe
Tiessa Lewis: lol i am i lyk it
Hamim Sultana: YAAAY! i hope im not bothering u with it
Hamim Sultana: ahaha, one moment im bossing saying u better watch it, and then im like, i hope im not bothering u
Tiessa Lewis: lol ur not bothering me
Hamim Sultana: YAAYA!
Hamim Sultana: *huggles u*
Hamim Sultana: omg...this made me cry...
Tiessa Lewis: ?
Hamim Sultana: i'll tlel u after we finisht he game
Hamim Sultana: ok
Tiessa Lewis: how dare u
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: someone said BoA (japanese/korean singer) copies britney
Hamim Sultana: and they posted somehting saying no
Hamim Sultana: look at this and bla
Hamim Sultana: wanna see?
Tiessa Lewis: yea
Hamim Sultana: okies
Hamim Sultana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmg8NRpj-r4
Hamim Sultana: she cried
Tiessa Lewis: wow thats touching...
Tiessa Lewis: So, do you like fat guys with no money?
Hamim Sultana: yesh. i love her songs
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha
Hamim Sultana: xD
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: she seems cool
Hamim Sultana: lol, u love it dont u?
Tiessa Lewis: yea
Hamim Sultana: u should hear her songs. i love her song Every Heart
Hamim Sultana: she sings in, korean, japanese, and english
Tiessa Lewis: cool
Tiessa Lewis: hamim
Tiessa Lewis: since when is s**t not a word?
Tiessa Lewis: its in there..
Hamim Sultana: AHAHAHAHA!
Hamim Sultana: oh and in the other music vidoe, who did u think looked the best?
Tiessa Lewis: it kept saying its not
Tiessa Lewis: hmm
Tiessa Lewis: the guy wit the black hairr.
Hamim Sultana: two of them did
Hamim Sultana: lol, wat was his name
Hamim Sultana: they so so in the begninning
Tiessa Lewis: i cant believe
Tiessa Lewis: i had to use that word
Hamim Sultana: xD
Tiessa Lewis: omg
Tiessa Lewis: the game froze
Hamim Sultana: it did?
Tiessa Lewis: yea
Hamim Sultana: it went all dakr right>
Tiessa Lewis: no
Tiessa Lewis: just froze
Tiessa Lewis: i couldnt do anything
Hamim Sultana: woa
Hamim Sultana: lama
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: llama
Hamim Sultana: ewww
Hamim Sultana: bra xD
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: this is a good game
Tiessa Lewis: excercises the brain
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: no it doesnt. it's making me go crazy
Tiessa Lewis: ROFL
Tiessa Lewis: look at scores
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis:
Tiessa Lewis: rofll
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: ahhahahaa
Tiessa Lewis: lalalala
Tiessa Lewis: uhhh
Hamim Sultana: i dont get this game
Hamim Sultana: lol
Tiessa Lewis: me either
Tiessa Lewis has stopped playing Dominoes.

Tiessa Lewis: yay
Tiessa Lewis: ..
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: wat the.
Tiessa Lewis: rofl
Hamim Sultana: i dont get this
Tiessa Lewis: checkers?
Tiessa Lewis: lol this is funny
Hamim Sultana: haha
Tiessa Lewis: hamim you should go on habbo
Tiessa Lewis: they updated it
Tiessa Lewis: and im hc
Hamim Sultana: and ur what>
Hamim Sultana: and u s hould go on gaia
Tiessa Lewis: habbo club member lol
Tiessa Lewis: i used to play gaia
Tiessa Lewis: 0_o
Hamim Sultana: i still play it
Hamim Sultana: heehehhe
Tiessa Lewis: lol i was rich on there
Tiessa Lewis: but my computer crashed so its gone
Hamim Sultana: im the one who told u about it
Tiessa Lewis: gotta download again
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: i kno
Hamim Sultana: no...u dont download it
Tiessa Lewis: u dont?
Tiessa Lewis: lol im mixing it wit something else
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: lol yeah
Hamim Sultana: some other game i think
Hamim Sultana: somehting i forgot the name
Hamim Sultana: everlasitng or somehting
Tiessa Lewis: yea
Tiessa Lewis: im on gaia now
Hamim Sultana: where ur like almost nake dint he beginning
Tiessa Lewis: yea
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: u should check out my avi
Tiessa Lewis: gaia dont work it keep saying gaiam
Hamim Sultana: gaiam?
Tiessa Lewis: yea
Hamim Sultana: what's that?
Tiessa Lewis: i have no clue
Tiessa Lewis: i found gaia online tho now
Tiessa Lewis: right website
Hamim Sultana: oooh lol.
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha
Tiessa Lewis: ok i signed up where do i go to
Tiessa Lewis: So, do you like fat guys with no money?
Hamim Sultana: u...dont go anywhere...xD they help u out giving u a toar
Hamim Sultana: tour*
Hamim Sultana: oh and which guy did u say again int he music video?
Hamim Sultana: two of them have black hair
Tiessa Lewis: uhh
Tiessa Lewis: the first one in it
Tiessa Lewis: wit the black hairr
Hamim Sultana: long hair?
Tiessa Lewis: yea
Hamim Sultana: THAT'S IT! ur watching another MV
Hamim Sultana: was his name Hero?
Tiessa Lewis: i think so
Hamim Sultana: -__- umm...another MV
Tiessa Lewis: iye.
Hamim Sultana: ahaha
Hamim Sultana: and ur ok with that?
Tiessa Lewis: yeah
Tiessa Lewis: but i just got on gaia.
Hamim Sultana: hehee, how is it?
Hamim Sultana: it changed a bit right?
Tiessa Lewis: pretty cool but they walk wierd.
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha! lol. yeah. and they're gonna add a battle system soon
Hamim Sultana: so u can fight
Tiessa Lewis: cooool
Hamim Sultana: i cant wait!
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: me either
Hamim Sultana: is it just me...or do i really stink?
Tiessa Lewis: huhh
Hamim Sultana: ahaha
Hamim Sultana: oh! the next MV....which to show...
Hamim Sultana: u sure it's ok with u?
Hamim Sultana: oh! and add me on gaia, i'm OceanBliss
Tiessa Lewis: ok
Tiessa Lewis: ru on it now?
Hamim Sultana: yup yup
Tiessa Lewis: i sent u
Tiessa Lewis: im insatiablenaynay
Hamim Sultana: i accepted
Tiessa Lewis: okie
Hamim Sultana: lala
Hamim Sultana: oh! check my profile
Tiessa Lewis: i am already
Tiessa Lewis: wow you play this alot
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehe how do u know?
Tiessa Lewis: i clicked ur name to view it
Tiessa Lewis: and
Tiessa Lewis: u seem to be involved alot
Tiessa Lewis: nd ur rich lol
Hamim Sultana: lol. no im not. xD i spend the money as soon as i get it
Tiessa Lewis: oh snap im gettin a car
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: now watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXmqSYZg1Gw
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: i havent got mine yet
Hamim Sultana: u better choose the guy i want u to choose! xD
Tiessa Lewis: lol get it noww
Tiessa Lewis: theres free cars
Hamim Sultana: no nono. im too tired
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Tiessa Lewis: im goin on gaia rally xD
Tiessa Lewis: ride mii car
Hamim Sultana: hehe okies
Tiessa Lewis: omg this thing cheats
Hamim Sultana: heh? omg! poor girl!
Tiessa Lewis: omg im so ugly
Tiessa Lewis: i neeeeeeeeed more coins
Tiessa Lewis: grrr
Hamim Sultana: xD what the? lol. just post everyday and vote and comment
Hamim Sultana: DUUUUDE!
Hamim Sultana: choose a guy. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h54/Hamim1/Celebrities/Bands/DBSK/dbsk129hd8.jpg
Hamim Sultana: CHICKEN!
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: no one is answering me today
Hamim Sultana: oh there u are
Hamim Sultana: now! help me with the survey! and help the guy win xD
Tiessa Lewis: the one next to the one wit the microphone.
Hamim Sultana: the second guy fromt he right?
Tiessa Lewis: yea
Hamim Sultana: mwahahah! u chose max! yaaaaaaaaaaay!
Hamim Sultana: that's the dude from yesterady. witht he wanted poster
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: did u hear hims cream>
Hamim Sultana: scream*
Hamim Sultana: and since u chos ehim, u get to see more pics of him. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h54/Hamim1/Celebrities/Bands/DBSK/Max%20Changmin/1142179045_2006031202.jpg http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h54/Hamim1/Celebrities/Bands/DBSK/Max%20Changmin/1175620647_1.jpg
Hamim Sultana: MWHAHAHAAH!
Hamim Sultana: i shall bother u until....until....forveer...?
Hamim Sultana: and and and him again http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h54/Hamim1/Celebrities/Bands/DBSK/Max%20Changmin/dbsk-changmin9.jpg
Tiessa Lewis: im gonna beat u up lol
Tiessa Lewis: (laughing)
Tiessa Lewis: Ohhhhhh snap!
Hamim Sultana: why>
Tiessa Lewis: idk
Hamim Sultana: WHHYYYY
Tiessa Lewis: i lyk saying that
Hamim Sultana: hehe
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: did u like the pictures/
Tiessa Lewis: yeah
Tiessa Lewis: Why, in the world, would I, or anybody else, want to know that?
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: because...he's hot xD
Tiessa Lewis: It must be really lonely being you.
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: LOOKIE! http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h54/Hamim1/Celebrities/Bands/DBSK/Max%20Changmin/cm4.jpg
Tiessa Lewis: thats the one i was talking about
Hamim Sultana: hehe him right? yeah, he's hot right right right? i have a vidoe with him talking, and he has that hairstyle in it and stuff
Hamim Sultana: he says he's sleepy and stuff
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: DUDE!
Hamim Sultana: *huggles u*
Hamim Sultana: thankies for choosing max
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: It's called spell check. Look into it.
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: It's 10 o'clock. Do you know where your brain is?
Tiessa Lewis: funnyyy
Hamim Sultana: my brain is out for a walk
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: I've gotten better IM's from a drunken monkey
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: I've gotten better IM's from a drunken monkey
Hamim Sultana: U BETTER WATCH THIS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URVNp9dVgco
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: u saw it?
Tiessa Lewis: yes
Hamim Sultana: and u no tellme how it was/
Tiessa Lewis: brb im thirsty
Hamim Sultana: >_<
Hamim Sultana: i take my hug back
Tiessa Lewis: back
Tiessa Lewis: i got cokee.
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: <_< i still take my hug back
Tiessa Lewis: why
Hamim Sultana: u no comment and tell me what u thought of it
Tiessa Lewis: ohh
Tiessa Lewis: i thought it was cool
Hamim Sultana: and...? lol. wans't he adorable!
Tiessa Lewis: yep lol
Hamim Sultana: u dont appriciate his cuteness and emotions he put in his singign!
Hamim Sultana: CHICKEN!
Tiessa Lewis: lol im chicken?
Tiessa Lewis: -eats self-
Hamim Sultana: i still ahte u! roar!
Tiessa Lewis:
Hamim Sultana: ok ok ok i like u again. ur a good pal
Tiessa Lewis:
Hamim Sultana: omg! he's such a wonderufls inger!
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: im good at cards.
Hamim Sultana: hahah great great
Hamim Sultana: u won money
Hamim Sultana: good good
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: i want a dress and hoop earrings
Tiessa Lewis: and i might make my hair blonde
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: im too busy getting a helo
Hamim Sultana: halo*
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: poor guy is hurt!
Hamim Sultana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BovW9Es1FuU%5c
Tiessa Lewis: can i watch it a little later
Tiessa Lewis: im beginning to fall asleep
Tiessa Lewis: im tired
Hamim Sultana: it's 12 seconds but ok
Hamim Sultana: and i think u need to sleep
Tiessa Lewis: i do?
Tiessa Lewis: should i sell my house stuff
Tiessa Lewis: for more gold
Tiessa Lewis: i dont rly want a house
Hamim Sultana: i dont think ppl will buy much of them, and in order to sell, u'll have to buy a trading ticket for 500g and then a vendign thihngy to sell for 1,000g
Tiessa Lewis: um no im giving it to stores lol
Tiessa Lewis: and they give me coins
Tiessa Lewis: in return
Hamim Sultana: oh ur selling it there? ok, go ahead
Tiessa Lewis: lol ok
Hamim Sultana:
Tiessa Lewis: AWW
Tiessa Lewis: how
Hamim Sultana: u saw it
Hamim Sultana: ?
Tiessa Lewis: the vid?
Hamim Sultana: yeah. dont worry. it's 12 seconds
Tiessa Lewis: oh lol ok
Hamim Sultana: u saw? and someone tried to grab siwon's hand! >_<
Tiessa Lewis: how rude!!!
Tiessa Lewis: i would punch someone outt
Tiessa Lewis: touching me lyk that
Tiessa Lewis: how cruel
Hamim Sultana: yeah! and u saw the ifrst little guy holding his arm?
Tiessa Lewis: yea
Tiessa Lewis:
Hamim Sultana: and the other guy was like crying
Tiessa Lewis: lol i kno
Tiessa Lewis: omg im so mad
Tiessa Lewis: brb
Hamim Sultana: omg! im gonna cry!
Hamim Sultana: did u know, this other celeb once got poisined/
Tiessa Lewis: why u gonna cry?
Tiessa Lewis: omg
Tiessa Lewis: seriously?
Tiessa Lewis: sorry i went to take a shower
Tiessa Lewis: i felt hot and sticky
Tiessa Lewis: but now i feel better
Hamim Sultana: it's ok
Hamim Sultana: i wanna take a showet oo
Hamim Sultana: but my dad went in >_<
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: Ohhhhhh snap!
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: Ah, c'mon mannnn. . . that makes me want to take a shower.
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: Talk to the Hand! So, uh, what's going on?
Tiessa Lewis: So where do you want me to stick ya? Cuz you're done.
Tiessa Lewis: Hey! Put a sock in it!
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: You suck more than I do.
Hamim Sultana: lol. look at this pic http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u70/lapamehot/SuperJunior-Miraclecute.gif
Tiessa Lewis: is he dancing?
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: Would you like some cheese and crackers to go with that whine?
Hamim Sultana: hehe yeah.
Hamim Sultana: yes he is dancing
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: Why, in the world, would I, or anybody else, want to know that?
Hamim Sultana: because u asked
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: Haha... you're funny!
Tiessa Lewis: It must be really lonely being you.
Hamim Sultana: awww http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l79/eesung/1152328180_junior7.jpg
Tiessa Lewis: wow no dancing?
Tiessa Lewis: I've gotten better IM's from a drunken monkey
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: no dnacing?
Hamim Sultana: u wanna see him dance?
Tiessa Lewis: sure
Tiessa Lewis: That's not funny. That's not even in the same zip code as funny.
Hamim Sultana: okies, let's look for a vidoe with himd ancing then
Tiessa Lewis: kk
Tiessa Lewis: I'm sorry - was that a typo? Or are you really that stupid?
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: It's called spell check. Look into it.
Tiessa Lewis: Seriously - do us all a favor and unplug your computer now!
Hamim Sultana: AHAAHAH! he's he looks so adorable! http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l79/eesung/1153094175gurumcm8.gif
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: saw it?
Tiessa Lewis: what the
Tiessa Lewis: is he dancing
Tiessa Lewis: or being touchy
Tiessa Lewis: It's 10 o'clock. Do you know where your brain is?
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha! http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa90/babybear5882/YeSung%20Super%20Junior/572b.jpg
Hamim Sultana: idk...they junst finished a performance
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: his face is like all puffy
Tiessa Lewis: Madonna: Quicker than a ray of light she's flying...
Tiessa Lewis: wow
Hamim Sultana: aww! he made a heart. he loves me http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w224/kiuiesj/Super%20Junior%20GIF/92.gif
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Tiessa Lewis: Madonna: Who's that girl?
Hamim Sultana: that's not a girl
Tiessa Lewis: LOL
Tiessa Lewis: ROFL
Hamim Sultana: lol
Tiessa Lewis: Madonna: Who's that girl?
Hamim Sultana: his page http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w152/sjryeowook/Msg/YeSungCover20070525.jpg
Hamim Sultana: for the last time, that's not a girl!
Hamim Sultana: stupid madonna
Tiessa Lewis: They said you were a great asset. . .I told them they were off by two letters.
Tiessa Lewis: ;O
Tiessa Lewis: LMAO!!!
Hamim Sultana: asset? huh?
Tiessa Lewis: OMGGG
Hamim Sultana: as*?
Tiessa Lewis: U DONT GET IT?!
Tiessa Lewis: They said you were a great asset. . .I told them they were off by two letters.
Tiessa Lewis: a**
Tiessa Lewis: LOL
Hamim Sultana: what does she mean off by two letters?
Tiessa Lewis: GREAT a**
Tiessa Lewis: LOL
Hamim Sultana: yeah i got htat
Tiessa Lewis: You got a little brown on your nose there sweetie
Tiessa Lewis: LOL
Tiessa Lewis: When your IQ reaches 50, you should sell!
Tiessa Lewis: ok?
Tiessa Lewis: Can I trade this here job for what's behind door #1?
Hamim Sultana: huh?
Tiessa Lewis: i dont get it either
Tiessa Lewis: i lyk this one
Hamim Sultana: http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t80/dbskiluvu/Yesungsyummysandwich.png
Tiessa Lewis: They said you were a great asset. . .I told them they were off by two letters.
Hamim Sultana: lol look at him
Hamim Sultana: http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p312/yee_heart_donghae/1om9.gif
Tiessa Lewis: woww
Hamim Sultana: wow what?
Tiessa Lewis: the sandwich
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: hahaha
Hamim Sultana: isn't his face chubby? hehehe
Tiessa Lewis: yes lol
Tiessa Lewis: i cant decide between these dresses
Tiessa Lewis: they all look amazing on me
Tiessa Lewis: the colors
Hamim Sultana: where?
Tiessa Lewis: gaia the store owner is named sasha
Tiessa Lewis: the colors are purple green blue pink white
Tiessa Lewis: you know?
Tiessa Lewis: They said you were a great asset. . .I told them they were off by two letters.
Hamim Sultana: lalalalalala
Hamim Sultana: she looks scary
Tiessa Lewis: lol sasha?
Hamim Sultana: bo her
Hamim Sultana: no*
Tiessa Lewis: They said you were a great asset. . .I told them they were off by two letters.
Hamim Sultana: yeah her
Tiessa Lewis: her?
Hamim Sultana: yes
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: she's creepy
Tiessa Lewis: yea she does
Tiessa Lewis: but shes funny
Tiessa Lewis: They said you were a great asset. . .I told them they were off by two letters.
Tiessa Lewis: Can I trade this here job for what's behind door #1?
Tiessa Lewis: C'mon! Keep punchin'!
Tiessa Lewis: If you don't have the heart for this, let's do something else.
Tiessa Lewis: You gotta keep *$#&* in there. . .Punch!
Tiessa Lewis: That punch hurt. You mighten shook your head like it didn't hurt, but that hurt.
Hamim Sultana: la?
Tiessa Lewis: thats wierd
Tiessa Lewis: Disco: Roar
Tiessa Lewis: Flaky: Hi!
Tiessa Lewis: Flippy: Growl!
Tiessa Lewis: Giggles: Hee Hee
Tiessa Lewis: Nutty: Sugar High!
Tiessa Lewis: Toothy: Yawn
Tiessa Lewis: okk?
Tiessa Lewis: Let's get outta here
Tiessa Lewis: Let's get outta here
Hamim Sultana: umm...ok?
Tiessa Lewis: So, do you like fat guys with no money?
Tiessa Lewis:
Tiessa Lewis: no
Tiessa Lewis: i dont
Tiessa Lewis: i lyk ppl with money
Hamim Sultana: i like yesung
Hamim Sultana: the dude with the sandwitch
Hamim Sultana: i like too many guys
Hamim Sultana: so i dont have room for FAT ppl without any money
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: lalalala. wanna see a video with them all? hehe there's THIRTHEEN membrers
Tiessa Lewis: hamim what color dress?
Tiessa Lewis: the blue purple pink white black?
Tiessa Lewis: or green
Hamim Sultana: i never saw them...
Tiessa Lewis: ;(
Hamim Sultana: is there a picture?
Tiessa Lewis: in sasha store
Tiessa Lewis: forget it im buying pink i think it looks best
Hamim Sultana: xD
Hamim Sultana: lol ok
Hamim Sultana: he's hot
Hamim Sultana: mwhahahah!
Hamim Sultana: peach!
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: i dont know who to focus on xD
Tiessa Lewis: lol
Hamim Sultana: no seriously, there's toooooo many!
Tiessa Lewis: im gonna scream
Tiessa Lewis: i need hoop earrings on this thing so i can look cuter
Tiessa Lewis: omgg where are they1!!
Hamim Sultana: uhh...check the jerlwery stores
Tiessa Lewis: theres only 1 jewlery storee
Hamim Sultana: no, there are nore
Hamim Sultana: u see the jerlwery symbol? check every store that has it
Tiessa Lewis: ok
Tiessa Lewis: i found earrings at a tatoo palor
Tiessa Lewis: wierd
Tiessa Lewis: should i get gold
Tiessa Lewis: or silver hoops
Tiessa Lewis: well silver is cheaper nd i need to buy shoes
Tiessa Lewis: so im gonna get silver
Hamim Sultana: hehe okies
Tiessa Lewis: shoess
Tiessa Lewis: MUST
Tiessa Lewis: GET
Tiessa Lewis: SHOES!!
Tiessa Lewis: NOW!!
Tiessa Lewis: omg im addicted.
Tiessa Lewis: 0_o
Hamim Sultana: lol
Tiessa Lewis: tiredness
Hamim Sultana: y r u always tired?
Tiessa Lewis: idk
Tiessa Lewis:
Hamim Sultana: y not tell ur doctor
Tiessa Lewis: what can he do?
Hamim Sultana: maybe sujject somehting
Hamim Sultana: suggest*
Tiessa Lewis: idk what but ok
Hamim Sultana: u should, really
Tiessa Lewis: ugh hes open right now
Tiessa Lewis: but i dont feel like taking my moms car
Tiessa Lewis: all the way over there
Tiessa Lewis:
Hamim Sultana: who's open?
Tiessa Lewis: my doctorr.
Hamim Sultana: why dont u wanna go?
Tiessa Lewis: i feel to tired to even move
Tiessa Lewis: and my stomach feels sore
Tiessa Lewis: my whole body does
Tiessa Lewis: and i feel light headed
Tiessa Lewis: and i have a head ache
Hamim Sultana: why not go another time?
Hamim Sultana: and u should probably eat a bit more
Tiessa Lewis: idkk
Tiessa Lewis:
Tiessa Lewis: i feel lyk im gonna die man
Hamim Sultana: :9 u probably dont have enough energy
Hamim Sultana: dude, seriously, u should go see the doctor
Hamim Sultana: this isn't normal
Hamim Sultana: and eat more!
Hamim Sultana: did u know, not eating can cause u to gain more weight?
Tiessa Lewis: no
Tiessa Lewis: 0_o
Tiessa Lewis: i dont wanna be fattttttt
Tiessa Lewis:
Hamim Sultana: relax, just eat properly
Hamim Sultana: but not liek not too much or too less
Hamim Sultana: and u should also get enough sleep
Tiessa Lewis: but i lyk to stay up late.
Hamim Sultana: that's not good for u. my mom said that she once saw a tv show that siad staying up late is bad for ur health and weight. o.O i like staying up late too, but i do it only once in awhile and make sure that int he morning i can get enough sleep
Tiessa Lewis: oh
Tiessa Lewis:
Hamim Sultana: so dont do it so often
Tiessa Lewis: okay
Tiessa Lewis: how about lyk weekends only?
Hamim Sultana: umm...how about only once ever two weeks?
Hamim Sultana: like only on friday nights or saturday nights
Hamim Sultana: once every two weeks?
Hamim Sultana: hey brb ok? i have to go take a shower
Hamim Sultana: back

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