We are sorry to inform you but your account has been brought to our attention. Your account has been REPORTED and needs to be investigated for further information. Like any other Gaia Moderator, we don’t normally ask for this information but to clear your report we need to. If you fail to cooperate then you agree to these charges and we will take steps in closing your account. You will be asked a few questions to verify that this is your account. Please fill out the information requested.
Once your account has been verified that its free of faults, your e-mail provider will be notified when your account investigation is over. We thank you for your patience. If you do not reply in the next 24 hours there will be a 6 month ban.
Please do not submit PM reports for swearing, attitude, or issues not covered in the Gaia Online TOS. Additionally, please do not submit this form multiple times for the same PM, abuse this reporting tool, or spam this form with meaningless information.
PM: 5247260.09381487
Derek Hurst
Kiss my a** mrgreen