Good news and updates on GAIA Battle & Remember MisaKyoko
Did you receive and read the information about the GAIA Battle? The monsters are so cute! But they remind too much of Ragnarok. I guess that's good, because I like RO a lot. Guess it's just that without a forum portion like GAIA and bad internet connection, things can go hay wire when you can't connect to the server so that you can continue on with your quests. I miss RO a lot. Although I wasn't an expert with a very high leveled character, when I was on it, but I really enjoyed my time spent on it.
I don't quite remember how I first met that one cool online game, but it was definitely before I even started going to anime conventions and things. So when I got to Anime Expo that one year and found lots of people hovering over the Ragnarok booth, I was a bit excited and a bit disappointed, when I found out that RO had a booth there. It was like the whole convention was not there to introduce, but rather, to just hang about to see how things are going and how everything has developed. And when I thought really hard on it, anime gets overseas pretty slow, so I didn't care, but enjoyed the conventions anyway. It was much more enjoyable with people dressing up, anyway. rofl
By the way, if anyone remembers, MisaKyoko was also the name I used on RO. heart Gosh! It took a long time to level up, but it was all worth it. I think. redface Thanks to those who had tried to help me. xp
Good times.
Good times.
Gold: 16777 xp