No one's on now xP
I've been so freaking moody xD And.. today is all rainy, and I'm listening to emo music, so that's probably not helping.
I'm babysitting tonight from 6-10. She doesn't pay that great, but I need the money anyway, and it's only one kid. So it's fine.
I dunnooo I'm just lonelyyy and can't wait for summer. I need to forget about all of this school stuff that's getting thrown at me. I don't want to worry about my GPA or my test results or finals anymore. I'm sick of high school - classes, teachers, most of the people. xP
I'm thinking about taking a nap or something.. it's nice nap weather.. then maybe I'll be able to stay awake later tonight xD
Sent out Porkie's letter today. I'll finish yours soon Bob <3
Wonder if Emily's home. I could go walk with her... I dunno. I wish Alex was home.. he'd let me come over and take a nap with him xD *pathetiiiic*
If you get a chance, download "Funambul" from Cirque du Soleil. It's so prettyyy. I wish I could sing like that. And it's all... sad. Seriously makes me hurt listening to it.
Anyway, gonna find something to do before I hafta leave. Bye ~<3
KerrieBerrie · Fri Apr 22, 2005 @ 11:14pm · 2 Comments |