I have pretty good teeth mrgreen I brush them twice a day and have no cavities. The only problem is I genetically inhearited baby teeth that will never come out. So I have baby teath that will never come out, but any way, so I have this loose tooth and supposidly it actually has a grown up tooth behind it. eek So I've been wiggling it for the last 3 months... xd and it still hasn't come out. Today I have my ever sixmonth tooth cleaning thing... and they are probably going to pull it because its to stubborn to come out, and last time he almost pulled it but I said no... so now... talk2hand I must give in and let him pull it because every thing I've tried hasn't worked. So for all those who read this wish me luck...I've never had a tooth pulled before so cry I'm scared... blaugh sorta but w/e any way today I experiance a new thing...