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Where my imagination flies high!! Well, sorta...& without the string...
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A Terrible Enlightenment.
This is something I found from like a year ago on my dad's computer...please leave constructive criticism, I'd appreciate that. I kinda like the way it came out...

Once upon a time there lived a girl by the name of Angela. She had long black hair and cold black eyes. This poor girl knew no love and always kept to herself. She had no friends and no parents to cry to. She was alone in the world. She always read stories of lonely people finding their own Eden in a world of hate and foreboding, but she knew they were untrue. At the age of fifteen, she had yet to find that sanctuary, that place where she felt safe. But so far she had never known a place that she could call her home.
But then one day a powerful Atomic Bomb was sent into the outreaches of Hirojima, and thousands, bordering on millions, were killed. This tragedy brought together many lives, intertwining their paths down the roads of fate by connecting them with hope. The deadly fumes of the Atomic Bomb reached the town nearby, hospitalizing and killing many.
When Angela, feeling sorry for these people who might've had a chance at this torture people called life, went to visit the people, there was no one left living.
Dead bodies littered the subways, stacked on the streets. The smell would make new milk curdle if brought within a mile. They thought no one was left with that disease that they called cancer.
But that bomb, it brought a new sense of hope and security to Angela. She felt the need to rest, to stop her aimless wanderings around her small village town. She wanted that sanctuary that was so gallantly talked about in all the greatest Korean fantasies. And she was urged on by a boy that she found wandering the same streets as she. He gave her hope and bliss, and the courage to move on and try to find her Eden in a world of foreboding.

Angela ran as fast as she could, anything to escape this living nightmare. The dead bodies were unceremoniously thrown onto the pavement and into the rivers, or burned. The stench of burning flesh followed her on her way out, and no sooner had she lost it, she rammed headfirst into a boy around her age with messy brown hair and deep green eyes. He was not from Japan. Was he, perhaps, American?
When he spoke, his voice withheld that same, British, cockney accent as Angela's old neighbour did when they lived back in the city. When her parents still were among the living.
"Hello! Sorry for bumping into like that. I must've been walking with my head up and the like. You know, these days no one ever looks up to the sky, so I thought I might. Are you all right?" he grinned brightly, his attitude the cheeriest that Angela had ever seen. And he spoke fluent Japanese.
"You're not from around here, but you speak my tongue. Where are you from?" she asked warily, looking him up and down. He sported a long-sleeved shirt underneath a short sleeve button-up outer coat, and baggy, ripped up pants. He talked nonsense, always looking up. No one had time to look up then, and no one ever would.
"I moved from Britain when I was seven. My parents died in the bomb's updraft a couple weeks ago. My name's Jared, by the way. What's yours?" he outstretched his hand, which was covered by a ripped, fingerless glove, at which Angela cringed.
"I'm Angela. Unfortunately." she tried to make herself scarce, to sidestep away from him, but something about Jared was welcoming. Like she could tell him anything, or that she could make easy friends. Hah! Angela Rinami making friends? In a million years.
The boy coughed deeply, and Angela wondered if he was maybe unwell. She said so much.
"Of course not! It's just the smell! Phew! It's so strong. Have you lived here long?" he raised a quizzical brow, and Angela shrugged.
"My parents died when I was nine. I've been roaming these streets since then." Jared gave her a look of sympathy, which she shrugged off with a sigh.
"Why don't we be aimless roamers together? I've been getting quite lonely, lately. Ever since the cat I've been following vanished, well, I've had no one to talk to."
Angela looked at him skeptically. Pair up with a boy who always looks up and bonks into people and speaks to cats and probably other inanimate objects, or remain a loner, dragging yourself through the unwelcoming threshold of life. Hmm. Crazy boy, horrible life.
"Okay. But it's not permanent." she said blandly, and Jared nodded. He didn't look so eager himself, and Angela was sure he would abandon his mission to stick with her after she let her true colours show.
After a few moments of an awkward silence, Jared finally said something.
"I know the perfect place to hide out in. I've never really lived anywhere before, since my parents didn't really care about me, and abused me whenever they could, but I know a good shelter when I see one!!!" he said cheerfully, and motioned for her to follow him.

"Jared! Where are you taking me?" she shouted from behind his sprinting form, the cool wind whipping her black hair around wildly, her dress's torn edges frayed and billowing behind her like a small parachute. But her dress didn't have that much cloth, otherwise she could sell it for some rice, and a new change of clothes maybe as well.
"You'll see!!" he called, the wind carrying his voice to her wary ears.
Angela had always considered herself the fastest human being in the world, at least her world. But, after meeting Jared, she decided that that medal should be reserved for him.
They had been running for what seemed like hours, dashing out of the city's borders, out into rural areas of Japan. Farms lay scattered on the soiled land, and dirt roads tracked their route. They passed by beaches, passed by ponds, passed by a mansion with finely dressed maidens and fancy gentlemen escorting them into its double doors.
At last, when they had come to a more woodsy section of this rural settlement, Jared stopped by a large, fish-populated pond and a small alcove to the right. Trees and hills were lost to the green landscaping that seemed to stretch on for forever and ever.
Panting, Angela didn't have the breath to remark on how beautiful it was. Besides, no words could describe its bewitching status or landmarks.
Rushing over to the small indentation, Jared almost ran into a tree while marveling over the admirable looks this pond had gained over the years. Untouched by bombs and civilization, it was the formation of the perfect society. Population: 2.
"Here it is!" he shouted, and Angela rolled her eyes.
"Are you serious? Not some glamorous hollowed out oak or elegant life of luxury? I thought you said you knew comfort when you saw it!" she exclaimed, eyeing the dirty cave-like abode in disgust. Jared shook his head, wistfully saying,
"I said I knew a good shelter when I saw one. Besides, it looks pretty comfy to me!" he said, and flung himself unto the dirty ground. When he waved to her to come lay beside him, she shook her head stubbornly, planting her foot firmly on the sodden ground. Jared shrugged, and crossed his hands behind his head, gazing up at the clear blue sky, lost in thought.
"Now that you've run me around the whole of Japan, I'm tired, so I'm going to bed before you think of any more stupid ideas." Angela said sniffily, and Jared shrugged, staring back up at the sky.
Lying atop the cold, hard, unwelcoming ground, Angela's head was filled with the thoughts of the day. Though she need not show it, she felt comfortable around her newfound partner. Maybe he could help her find her Eden. Her retreat from the world, and all its mind-boggling problems.
Soon, after these tiring, dark, adult-thoughts wore her out, she gave in to the tempting bonds of sleep.

Angela awoke the next morning, covered in muck, rain pouring heavily, sliding off the small ceiling created by a piece of wood that protected them from the hardships that weather and nature beheld.
"Jared?" she called, voice quiet, but he didn't answer. When she peeked out of the small indentation, she saw him, staring at the sky still, soaked to the bone. He coughed that deep, deep cough, but Angela scowled at his foolishness.
"Hey, moron!" she called from the dark depths of her alcove. He turned his head, and she suppressed the urge to laugh. He answered to the name.
"Are you okay?" she asked. His face was pale, flushed, his hands a bit trembly.
"Just…a bit...cold. I'm comin' in though, watch out. I might get you wet!" he laughed playfully, and sprinted inside, into the way back of the cave. His clothes were sopped, and his hair was soaking.
"Hey watch it!" she shouted, annoyed, as a few water droplets landed on her face.
"Oh, no! Actual water! Whatever shall we do?? C'mon, get over it. It's just water." he laughed, and she scowled.
"If this world were reserved for such play, you think I would be like this?" she growled, and he shrugged, again.
"Like what?" he asked, looking her up and down, probably not noticing anything.
Either he's crazy or flattering. One couldn't tell. Maybe just bored....she thought, and said,
"Like the way I am. Y'know, grumpy. And a loner. With no friends. And no parents. Helloooo have you been awake at all?" Angela asked, playfully hitting him on the head.
"If you're so grumpy then why did you just laugh? I have a feeling you're not as grumpy or lonely as the illusion you portray yourself as."
He was right. All her life, Angela had hated those who painted a vision of themselves for the bystander to view, afraid of the world, afraid of how they might judge that person or perceive them. But maybe, after all these years, Angela was really one of those people. That she hated. Is that why she hated herself so much?
"Look, I know it's uncomfortable, but you don't have to hide for me. And don't hate yourself." he said, flicking water at her. Frowning, she stood, and walked to front of the "room," as close as she could get to the rain without even touching it.
"Hey, hold on a sec. I'm having a major epiphany here. Gimme a moment of my own, OK?" she asked snappishly, and he put his hands up in defense.
"Hey no hard feelings, all right? Just pointing out the com-puh-leetely obvious." he said, then shut up with a glare from Angela.
"Jared, come here." she ordered, and he gave a playful frown.
"Why?" he asked, backing up at first sight of the look she gave him.
"Because I said so."
"I don't take orders from grumps."
"I don't take orders from anyone."
"Well, aren't we proud." he said, and she rolled her eyes.
"Just come here. I don't bite."
He grinned, and said, "Who said you didn't?" but came over anyway.
Immediately, she put her hand on his forehead.
"Damn." she whispered, pulling her hand away quickly.
"What doctor? What is it?" he frowned and walked off.
"I just thought...."
"Well you thought wrong."
"Sorry....Your face was flushed, and you were pale and coughing. I thought you might be unwell. Don't get so mad about it, all right?" she asked meekly, and for a moment he was quiet.
Then, out of the blue, he shouted, "Yeah? Well why would you care anyway? You're just a stupid girl! Just 'cause I appear unwell, doesn't mean I am!"
She didn't understand. Why was he getting so mad at her? What did she ever do?
Feeling herself get fired up, Angela shouted, "What's wrong with you?! At least I'm concerned! I just wanted to help! Geez!" and stormed out of the cavern, into the lightening rain.
Jared just stood there, regretting his words. He wanted to go out and comfort her and apologize, but he had kept his feelings bottled up too long. He couldn't do it, so he stayed stock still, frowning in concentration. He attempted walking up to her, but when he reached her, turned quickly, and sat down.
He heard her utter a surprised gasp at when she saw him sitting behind her, then straightened herself out and sniffed, walking past him, almost tripping on his hand.
"Watch it, klutz boy." she growled, and he gave a hollow laugh.
Confused, Angela turned, face burning red, eyes narrowed.
"What's so funny?"
"The way you think you can win me over with one silly insult, when really, it is you you're insulting." he said, and Angela snorted. So that was it? He tells her to express herself, and then when she does he laughs?!
“Why are you so mean all of a sudden? I thought I could trust you with…me…but I can’t!” Angela shouted, throwing her hands up in exasperation and sitting in the corner farthest away from Jared.
Jared’s face was suddenly sullen but warmer.
“Sorry. Maybe you’re right. I shouldn’t have gone out in the rain like that, I might have a cold.” He said under his breath, and Angela couldn’t tell if he were talking to himself, or to her.

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  • User Comments: [14]
    Community Member

    Sun Jun 17, 2007 @ 10:08pm

    W-O-W thats good

    Community Member

    Mon Jun 18, 2007 @ 12:02pm

    thanks you really like it? smile

    Community Member

    Mon Jun 18, 2007 @ 12:03pm

    and right now since my dad made me watch the movie Cradle 2 the Grave with Jet Li I'm thinking it might be Hiroshima... sweatdrop

    Community Member

    Mon Jun 18, 2007 @ 06:09pm

    lol yeah i luv it!

    Community Member

    Mon Jun 18, 2007 @ 06:13pm

    thx biggrin im trying to upload the other half cause it was on another system but it's being cruel to me

    Community Member

    Mon Jun 18, 2007 @ 06:14pm

    Heyy taylor its jess i like it its really good i didnt know u were so good at writing! good job!

    Community Member

    Mon Jun 18, 2007 @ 06:16pm

    gonk WAHHHHH the PUBLIC!

    thank you

    Community Member

    Mon Jun 18, 2007 @ 06:23pm


    Community Member

    Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 12:49pm

    noooo why is it soooooo meaaannnn the computer wont upload the blasted document scream

    Kitsune Kandie
    Community Member

    Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 03:22pm

    Tai this is amazing, words cannot describe the writings you do. This one is just... breathtaking. The words go together perfectly almost like a bewitching song ... the type of song that makes you want listen to it over and over again. Tai... you need to show this to someone...

    Community Member

    Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 03:55pm

    lolz you really think so? sweatdrop thanks! if i had someone to show it to tho *mutters to self*
    *hugs kitsune* thx for the support u know i was inspired to write this when i called u from here and we talked about worldly tragedies i thought u know why not take a look into the mind of a child stuck in japan and see how she felt about it pirate we're the pioneers of...stuff! pirate
    -btw im still trying to upload the other blasted half its just too stubborn-

    Community Member

    Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 04:30pm

    well i guess since it wont upload ill tell u the moral:
    jared breathed in some of the fumes, not too much, but enough to kill
    after a while when the symptoms persist, angela gets scared
    later er its hard to explain but REALLY long story short jared dies and angela, wallowing in her despair and guilt, realises that her Eden was always with her, she just never had the time to see it...

    wait....no nvm its still not uploading....blast it all

    Kitsune Kandie
    Community Member

    Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 04:34pm

    well that even sounded good, and you should sendd this in to like a publisher they'll read it over and everything and possibly piblish it maybe Random House books perhaps? well anywhoo you are an amzing writer

    Community Member

    Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 04:53pm

    thx *grins and bows* my pleasure to entertain you, madame. whee

    User Comments: [14]
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