Umm. Yeah, we ate chinese food today. I love it. I'm probably going to another chinese shop later today to get hello kitty sweets and a drink. Hehe. The chinese are cool. (and the japanese! like Mana.<3 I still can't believe he is a man. ö_ö even if i have known it for a long time already)...
A chinese girl in our class saw me having pictures of moomins on my agenda (umm... grammar?... umm...), and she thought that was a japanese cartoon! D: The japanese made a cartoon out of it but the books are originally FINNISH! D: She didn't even believe me when I said that. Doesn't matter, though. I like her. I gave that moomin picture to her. A japanese guy in our class alsoo knew them when i asked. It's funny how actually finnish things like nokia and moomin are so famous in the world but everyone things they come from Asia. ö_ö Annoys me like hell.
I still didn't get to do my history presentation. ): Too bad, I'll have to do it on monday, but at least i'll have time to improve it. That's nice. My friend had the same subject as me, and her presentation was longer and prettier (?) and she had much more information in it. D: I envy her so... Might be because I have never used that freakin powerpoint before. Haha. I got an excuse. Well, her presentation was really wonderful but i definitely don't want to copy it. I'll try to think of something she didn't include and put that into mine instead of telling the same things again, so that they are a good whole together.
This tuesday (i don't know if i told you already) I saw a really cute guy! I have never seen a cute guy before! He was probably about 20 years old. He had moustache, glasses, and a little beard. He had a brown, curly hair, which was quite short, and a "jewish" (HAHA!) nose, you know what i mean by that. He looked like he was a younger version of a finnish politician, Ben Zyskowicz (Not a finnish name!) unless you are a finn, you don't know him (i guess...), so I'll include a picture.

Everyone wonders how I can like him. I don't know. ö_ö He is sexy<3
That is about what he looked like, but much younger.<3<3 I didn't know cute guys exist. He brought me hope.<3
Yeah, today I'll study physics and perhaps chemistry too. :3 the exams are going to start next friday. I'll be fine... I think.
Bye bye. (: