We're original
Not like 'em negros who call themselvs "Gangstas"
We say it with pride in our words
"Gangster" Capiche?
Now, I'd be careful with that stromboni if I were, y'know?
Cuz there's nothing like a good ol' food poisoning to bring down a family
A strangler in one pocket, a pistol in the other
We know how to give a good whacking
But family's family, but they can turn on ya, like ya brotha
I know what ya did, Tony, I'm tellin' motha
Listenin' to thee opera
While stayin in thee mafia
The godfather's givin us the dough
So let us begin with the show
Ramone's out in the back, waitin' for the rat
Paulie's sittin' over at the table, tippin' his hat
And that's our signal, we storm in the place
We see him run, so let's make haste!
Run run run as fast as you can
You'll never hide from us
Cuz we're the mafia, man
Swimmin' with the fishes
Ain't that a *****
Ya sons of b****es
Have fun while I eat my spaghetti
With the spicy meatballs and the red tomato sauce
With mama ma mia's ravioli
Nyeah, see? Nyeah....
Kev-N007 Community Member |