Hey everyone!
Tribute: To give recognition.
Friend: A loyal companion or trusted mate.
Love: The showing of deep affection.
Pain: Who knows?
Despite us thinking we know what all of the above means, we don't really.
And there I go, waffling again.
I wonder if people, our friends realize how much love we hold for them.
Sometimes I think that what ever love I have they're scared of.
Until you realize that it's just that they're scared because they don't
know how or why to accept it. Friendship is symbolized in so many ways, people
can buy gifts, can save a life, can even propose. {No, don't be scared my friends,
I'm not going to propose to you'll, as much as I do love you'll}.
Of course it's like adding e x t r a honey to your tea.
Like leaving your toast too long in the toaster so it b u r n s.
Like laughing at something the n e x t day because you didn't get the joke when someone told it to you.
Like buying the most yummy ice-cream but not being able to finish it.
Like h o p i n g for no reason that's apparent.
Like playing a piano when you can't h e a r.
It's like falling so hard you're s u r e you can't get up..
What is it? That's the thing, I don't know.
But that's why you have friends.
So they can a d d the extra honey to your tea.
So they can s t o p the toast burning before.
So they can l a u g h with you the next day after you'll both only just got it.
So they can h e l p you finish that yummy ice-cream.
So they can help you hope for a n y t h i n g you wish.
So they can hear the piano when you p l a y it.
So they can catch you before you have the c h a n c e to fall.
Best friends are waiiting.
Waiting to c a t c h you, to laugh, to smile, to cry and to hug.
Most importantly.:
"I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you."