Soralina Fiona Toguro, the daughter of the Oto Toguro, the infamous ‘Younger Toguro Brother’ and Genkai, Master of the Spirit Wave was orphaned at the age of eleven at the death of her father. When her parents got divorced while she was still in her mothers womb, her father has won custody of her. She was never to meet her mother; she wasn’t even allowed to hold Soralina while she was screaming after she was born. Her mother had never seen her face, or known her name. Oto had taken her away before the name was set into stone.
Two years later, Oto Toguro was deemed mentally unstable to raise the baby, sending her to the custody of a certain then-13 year old boy named Karasu.
The closest thing she had to a motherly figure was Karasu. Karasu would take Soralina away from her Dad as often as he possibly could, and when he couldn’t he would hide her and accept the beatings that her father would have bestowed upon her onto himself. Karasu had saved her life more times than she could count, and at his death she hid herself from the world, only to re-emerge at the revival of her adoptive father when she was 16.
Soralina is a good-natured girl, but at first is cold and unmoving when is first encountered in an attempt to protect herself. After that…. she’s a sweet adorable little thing that can always be counted on despite her needs and wants. She’s kind of perverted, but who isn’t? She has both of her fathers wrapped around her little finger, so messing with this girl is not something that is recommended.
Appearance wise, Soralina is 5 foot 3 inches tall and weighs around 112 pounds. She looks like her mother, except for her bust, height, her big golden eyes and her straight black hair that ends at the middle of her back. With an angelic face and an amazing personality, it’s obvious why Karasu is so protective of his baby from the world…