“I didn’t mean any such thing! All i am saying is that it would be impossible for you to see her.” He ended it at that. He got up and went over to the chalk board. His shoes rubbing on the grains of dirt and musk on the floor. He picked up some books on a small chair - it was being used for a table - and put them in a large plastic bag.
“I need you to leave, I’m locking up.” Mr.Thornton declared.
“Fine...” Ella replied. She scuffed and turn her head to the wall - Regretting it because of the disgusting roach eating some mold on it - she picked up her books and went threw the tin door Thornton was holding open.
“See you tomorrow.” Mr.Thornton said with a smile. Ella just turned her head the other way with no reply.
“This is the most pathetic class-room i have ever seen...” Ella thought.
The bus was waiting for everyone outside the “almost” perfect school. Ella was 36 yards at least from the bus. Once every one but Ella was in, the bus started driving away.
“What?” Ella said not expecting anyone to hear her. “NO!!! STOP WAIT FOR ME!!!” She yelled waving her arms in the air. The bus drivers hand came out the drivers window and he waved the peace sign at her.
“Lousy old s**t head!!!” Ella screamed. Then she stomped around in frustration.
“How do I get home now? Its at least a 3 hour walk...” Ella sighed and her eyes grew teary. Then she figured she would use the school phone to call her mother. Ella walked up the grass up to the wooden door entrance. Turning to her right she saw a pay-phone.
“ah-ha!” She said in relief. Putting two quarters in the pay-phone. Just before Ella could pick up the phone and dial her number, a very familiar voice called out.
“What do you think you’re doing!?!?” The voice demanded. “Only students that have the Privilege to use that phone can!” It was the same grouch from that morning. Swiping away the pay-phone from Ella’s hands and hanging git up, the women then looked down at her and almost growled.
“Oh... Its you” Ella said in anger. “Did you know that that stupid bus driver of yo-” The cut her short again.
“Why are you here? You should be gone by now! The women was enraged. “Your a little thief aren’t you?!?! Get out of my school!” The women started pushing Ella out the door.
“H-Hey! Stop that! Ella was about to say-” Once again, before anything she could say that Ella wanted to, she found herself on the grass right out side the large wooden door. “ouch” Ella grumbled.
“I expect your mother will like to hear about this.” The women said.
“Hey lady, you have no right to talk to me like tha-” And once again, the women cut her short...
“My name is not lady,” the women said. “I am Mrs.Thellano, The school director!” Mrs.Thellano announced.
“director?” Ella opened her eyes wide. “Who would let a b***h like you run a school?!?!” At that very moment, the huge wooden doors slammed shut almost running into Ella’s nose. Ella got up and started dusting her self of.
“I suppose I have to walk home now...” Ella looked over to her right and saw the long black road. In a hour or so it would be dark and the sun would be gone. And who knows what sorts of things lurk in the dark... Ella was soon to learn what those sorts of things were.
After walking for exactly Thirty-two minutes, Ella came to a double fork in the stretching road.
“Oh great” Ella scuffed. “Why didn’t I watch witch way the bus went?” Letting out a sigh, Ella stretched out her fingers.
“iny,” Ella started. “meeny, miny, mo. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers let him go. My mo-ther told me to pick-the very best one. And this is IT!!!” Ella Pointed her “It” to the farthest left road. And that choice, was the worst she could have chosen.
To be continued...

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